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Numerical Study of Welding Sequence on the Residual Stress Field in a Thick-walled Tee Joint


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2011-05-21

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Page Number:1211-1214

Key Words:Welding sequence; Residual stress; Multipass welding; Tee joint

Abstract:Finite element simulation is an efficient method for studying factors affecting weld-induced residual stress distributions. In this paper, a validated three-dimensional finite element model consisting of sequentially coupled thermal and structural analyses was developed. Three possible symmetrical welding sequences, i.e. one-welder, two-welder and four-welder sequence, which were perceived to generate the least distortion in actual welding circumstances, were proposed and their influences on the residual stress fields in a thick-walled tee joint were investigated. Appropriate conclusions and recommendations regarding welding sequences are presented.

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