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On Demand Priority Packet Forwarding for TCP Performance Enhancement in Cognitive Mobile IP Networks


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-02-01

Journal:6th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN)

Included Journals:SCIE、EI、CPCI-S



Page Number:1947-1970

ISSN No.:0929-6212

Key Words:Cognitive mobile IP; Packet buffering; TCP; Spectrum mobility; Power control

Abstract:Spectrum mobility packet drops due to dynamic channel handover in optimized cognitive mobile IP leads to end-to-end connection disruption and severe performance degradation in transmission control protocol (TCP). In traditional mobile IP, buffered packet drops in between base station and the mobile node are only due to node mobility and network congestion. To date, number of packet buffering and forwarding mechanisms were proposed to reduce the node mobility and buffer overflow packet drops. But, dynamic spectrum access in cognitive mobile IP introduces spectrum mobility packet drops apart from node mobility and network congestion. Hence, it is significant to enhance the existing mobile IP to support the spectrum handover framework and reduce spectrum mobility packet drops during primary user (PU) active in the current cognitive radio channel. In this work, on-demand priority packet forwarding with spectrum handover support is proposed to reduce the packet drops due to spectrum mobility, node mobility and network congestion. In addition, adaptive power control algorithm is proposed to reduce the collisions due to hidden PU receivers at edge PU coverage area. Experimental results disclose that the performance of TCP with proposed on-demand priority packet forwarding outperforms the existing packet buffering mechanisms.

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