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Analysis of an Interleaved Chaotic Spread Spectrum Sequence


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2008-10-12

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus

Page Number:1692-+

Key Words:chaotic sequences; spread spectrum; interleaving

Abstract:Chaotic spread spectrum sequences have been a research hotspot all along, as chaos bear excellent random and initial value sensitive properties. The research frontier has spread to deal with the finite precision effect, which is a traditional problem. By adding interleaving procedure, a novel chaotic spread spectrum sequence generation method is proposed to solve this problem as well as to enhance the security property of the sequence. Analysis proves that not only the characteristic quantities of chaotic real values are improved, but also the sequence number is enlarged which makes our chaotic sequences more robust. The simulation results show that the fluctuation of the sequence balance property is smoothed, which brings our sequences closer to practical application than others.

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