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Strategies of reliable transmission in practical network coding system


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2009-09-28

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:234-238

Abstract:In order to improve the communication quality in practical network coding system,three main strategies are proposed to protect the encoding vectors,which includes importing cyclical redundancy into the encoding vectors of the coded packets,executing distributed space-time code to the encoded packets and a shift between the above two modes above according to different signal-noise ratios.And then an amendatory CRC mode is proposed to reduce the energy consumption in transmission.The results of simulation reveal that the three strategies can improve the transmission quality efficiently and the amendatory CRC mode can help to save transmission energy significantly.Applying the shift mode can tackle with the issue of instable transmission at the expense of a few times of retransmission. ?2009 IEEE.

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