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Enhanced Performance For LMMSE Equalizer With Factor Graphs


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2017-01-01

Included Journals:CPCI-S


Page Number:318-323

Key Words:Channel Equalization; Factor-Graphs; the Sum-Product Algorithm (SPA); Linear Minimum Mean Squared Error (LMMSE)

Abstract:In this paper, based on the application of the sum product (SP) algorithm to factor graphs (FGs),we investigate two optimal equalization algorithms, i.e.,unconstrained linear equalization and constrained linear equalization for intersymbol interference (ISO channels,both of which use the criterion of LMMSE. From simulations we know, the MSE performance of these two algorithms is much better than that of the conventional adaptive LMS algorithm based on filters,especially at high SNR. However, at low SNR, this improvement is less obvious. So an improved algorithm is introduced in order to conquer this deficiency, simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can further achieve a remarkable reduction in MSE at low SNR.

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