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Coverage Analysis for Heterogeneous Network With User-Centric Cooperation


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2019-09-01


Included Journals:SCIE



Page Number:2724-2727

ISSN No.:1932-8184

Key Words:Cooperative communication; coverage probability; heterogeneous network; stochastic geometry

Abstract:In this paper, we consider a heterogeneous network with design of a user-centric base station cooperation. Different from traditional cellular structure that associates users with cells centered around base stations, the user-centric base station cooperation focuses more on user's service experience no matter where the user is located. Leveraging the tools from stochastic geometry, we provide an exact analytical expression and two simple yet effective approximations for the coverage probability at the typical receiver. Numerical results validate our exact analysis as well as the effectiveness of the two approximations.

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