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性别: 男

毕业院校: 北京航空航天大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 信息与通信工程学院

学科: 通信与信息系统. 信号与信息处理. 电路与系统

办公地点: 创新园大厦A520

联系方式: Tel: 86-0411-84707719 实验室网址: http://wican.dlut.edu.cn

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Electromagnetism-like algorithm without local search on PAPR reduction for OFDM


论文类型: 会议论文

发表时间: 2011-09-27

收录刊物: EI、Scopus

页面范围: 51-56

摘要: EM-PTS algorithm (electromagnetism-like partial transmit sequences) can effectively reduce the PAPR (peak-to-average power ratio) of the OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) signal, however, it requires local search to gather the neighborhood information for the sampled particles, which increases the computational complexity of EM-PTS algorithm. In this paper, we propose a novel EM-PTS scheme without local search. In this scheme, a new definition for artificial charge of particle is given, which could make a full use of particles' information that is reflected by the values of particles' objective function. In addition, we introduce the particle disturbance technique into the presented scheme to avoid premature convergence and improve the algorithm's ability of global searching. The simulation results show that the proposed method obtains more desirable PAPR reduction with lower computational complexity compared with the EM-PTS scheme. ? 2011 IEEE.

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