Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2008-09-04
Journal:6th International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、CPCI-S、Scopus
Page Number:133-137
ISSN No.:0042-207X
Key Words:Removal of SO2 and NOx; Chemical reaction dynamics; Treanor's method; Numerical simulation
Abstract:The removal of NOx from mixtures of NO-NO2-N-2 and NO-NO2-O-2-H2O is discussed theoretically in this study, and the removal of SO2 and NOx is further discussed when a gas system of NOx-N-2-O-2-H2O contains CO2 and SO2. The involved chemical reaction rate equations in the process of SO2/NOx removal are solved numerically using Treanor's method, in which a scheme separating chemical reactions into fast and slow groups has been proposed for improving the numerical stability. Numerical results show that the contribution of ion reactions to NOx removal is negligible, and that high temperature is not beneficial for the NO oxidation. However, high concentration Of 02 is conducive to the NO oxidation. Addition of water facilitates the NOx removal, and increasing water vapor concentration enhances the NOx removal efficiency; inclusion of CO2 and SO2 into the system favors the NO removal. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.