Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2013-05-28
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus
Page Number:7585-7590
ISSN No.:2046-2069
Abstract:In order to purify the fermentation broth efficiently, this paper focuses on solubilizing polyalcohols from their dilute aqueous solution using a supercritical CO2 microemulsion (W-C microemulsion). The phase behavior of four systems was studied, including Ls-45/CO2, Ls-45/CO2/H2O, Ls-45/CO2/1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO), and Ls-45/CO2/H2O/1,3-PDO, with 1,3-PDO dilute aqueous solution used to simulate the real fermentation broth, supercritical CO2 (scCO(2)) as the continuous phase, and the non-fluorous and nonsilicon non-ionic Ls-45 as surfactant. The effects of Ls-45 concentration and 1,3-PDO concentration on the selective solubilization of 1,3-PDO in the Ls-45/CO2/1,3-PDO/H2O quaternary system are discussed at temperatures of 29.5-49.9 degrees C and at pressures of 7.22-19.27 MPa. The results show that a thermodynamically stable microemulsion can be formed by controlling the operating pressure and temperature and can selectively solubilize 1,3-PDO from its dilute aqueous solution. Both the Ls-45 concentration and 1,3-PDO concentration in the system have great influence on the selectivity of solubilzing 1,3-PDO from dilute aqueous solution. Moreover, it is found that the addition of ethanol (EtOH) can significantly decrease the operating pressure of forming the W-C microemulsion system. This result is useful for further research on the selective extraction of polyalcohols in biotechnology and helpful for industrialization.