Fantao Kong   

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions: Associate Professor



Dr. Fantao Kong

Dr. Kong is a Professor (Associate) in Dalian University of Technology (DUT). His research interests including lipid biology/biotechnology, and synthetic biology using photosynthetic microalgae as model.

He obtained Ph.D. degree majoring in Molecular Genetics in Kochi University of Technology (KUT) in Japan (2014). He completed Ph.D study about production of the hydrocarbon botryococcene from the model microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii through expressing squalene synthase-like genes (SSLs) of Botryococcus braunii, then he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in CEA Cadarache, CNRS in France (2014-2017), where he found Chlamydomonas carries out fatty acid b-oxidation in peroxisomes using a bona fide acyl-CoA oxidase (ACX2), and peroxisomal malate dehydrogenase 2 (MDH2) connects lipid catabolism to photosynthesis through redox coupling (Kong et al. 2017 Plant Journal; Kong et al. 2018 Plant Cell). After that, he worked in Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, South Korea) as a Researcher (2018-2019), there he focuses on how transcription factor (Yamaoka et al. 2019 Plant Cell), ABC transporter (Song et al. 2020 Molecules and Cells), and lipid hydrolysis enzyme modulate the lipid biosynthesis and degradation in microalgae (Lee et al. 2020 PNAS). Recently, his lab is also focusing DNA transcription factor characterization and engineering to improve algal oil synthesis (Zhao et al. 2023 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry), subcellular production of PHB and other valuable bioproducts by synthetic biology in microalgae.  (Zhang et al. 2024 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering). 

Dr. Kong’ representative results about lipid metabolism and synthetic biology in microalgae were recently published in Plant Cell, New Phytologist, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, PNAS, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Biotechnology for Biofuels, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Current Opinion in Biotechnology etc.

Representative Publications:

42. Kong F*, Blot C, Liu K, Kim M, Li-Beisson Y (2024). Advances in algal lipid metabolism and their use to improve oil content. (2024, 87:103130) Current Opinion in Biotechnology (IF:7.7) (*Corresponding author).

41. Dou X, Li M, Ge Y, Yin G, Wang X, Xue S, Jia B, Zi L, Wan H, Xi Y, Chi Z, Kong F* (2024). Photoproduction of aviation fuel β-caryophyllene from the eukaryotic green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (IF: 4.56, Accepted). (*Corresponding author).

40. Zhang H, Ma S, Dou X, Ru Chen R, Lu H, Chi Z, Xue S, Li-Beisson Y, Kong F* (2024). Harnessing algal peroxisomes for efficient poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production. (2024,12(8):3312–3321). ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (IF: 8.4) (*Corresponding author).

39. Zhao J, Ge Y, Liu K,  Yamaoka Y, Zhang D, Chi Zh, Akkaya M, Kong F* (2023). Overexpression of a MYB1 Transcription Factor Enhances Triacylglycerol and Starch Accumulation and Biomass Production in the Green Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2023, 71(46):17833-17841) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF: 6.1) (*Corresponding author).

38. Xi Y, Han B, Kong F*, You T, Bi R, Zeng X, Wang S, Jia Y (2023). Enhancement of Arsenic Uptake and Accumulation in Green Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii through Heterologous Expression of the Phosphate Transporter DsPht1. (2023, 459, 132130). Journal of Hazardous Materials. (IF: 13.6) (*Corresponding author).

37. Kong F*, Cao X and Schulz-Raffelt M (2023). Editorial: Metabolic Engineering for Bioresources and Bioenergies Production from Microalgae.(2023, 10:1114854.). Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. (IF: 6.064) (*Corresponding author).

36. Kong F*, Li M, Liu K, Ge Y, Yamasaki T, Beyly-Adriano A, Ohama T, Li-Beisson Y (2023). Efficient approaches for nuclear transgene stacking in the unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2023,103048). Algal Research (IF: 5.72). (*Corresponding author).

35. Chen R, Yamaoka Y, Feng Y, Chi Z, Xue S, Kong F* (2023)  Co-expression of Lipid Transporters Simultaneously Enhances Oil and Starch Accumulation in the Green Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under Nitrogen Starvation. (2023, 13(1), 115). Metabolites. (IF: 5.581) (*Corresponding author).

34. Lu H, Liu K, Zhang H, Xie X, Ge Y, Chi Z, Xue S, Kong F*Ohama T (2023). Enhanced triacyclglycerols and starch synthesis in Chlamydomonas stimulated by the engineered biodegradable nanoparticles (2023, Accepted). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (IF: 5.560) (*Corresponding author).

33. Chen R, Yang M, Li M, Zhang H, Lu H, Dou X, Feng S, Xue S, Zhu C, Chi Z, Kong F* (2022). Enhanced accumulation of oil through co‑expression of fatty acid and ABC transporters in Chlamydomonas under standard growth conditions. (2022, 15(1):54 ). Biotechnology for Biofuels. (IF: 7.67) (*Corresponding author).

32. Zhu C, Ji Y, Du X, Kong F, Chi Z, Zhao Y. A smart and precise mixing strategy for efficient and cost-effective microalgae production in open ponds. (2022, 158515). Science of The Total Environment (IF: 7.963).

31. Choi B, Shim D, Kong F, Auroy P, Lee Y, Li-Beisson Y, Lee Y, Yamaoka Y (2022). The Chlamydomonas transcription factor MYB1 mediates lipid accumulation under nitrogen depletion (2022, 235: 595–610). New Phytologist (IF: 10.15).

30. Al-Azab A, Aoki Y, Sarian F, Sori Y, Widyaningrum D, Yamasaki T, Kong F, Ohama T. Chronological transcriptome changes induced by exposure to cyanoacrylate resin nanoparticles in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with a focus on ROS development and cell wall lysis-related genes (2022). Algal Research (IF: 5.72).

29. Liu K , Chen R, Yang R, Chen Y, Zhu C, Tang Y, Kong F*. Genome editing approaches applied to microalgae-based fuels. 3rd Generation of Biofuels (Chapter 3), Woodhead Publishing, (2022, 47-64). (*Corresponding author).

28. Zhang Y, Wang J, Zhang J, Chi Z, Kong F, Zhang Q. The long overlooked microalgal nitrous oxide emission: Characteristics, mechanisms, and influencing factors in microalgae-based wastewater treatment scenarios. Science of The Total Environment (IF: 7.963). 2022 ;856(Pt 2):159153.

27. Xi Y, Bian J, Luo G, Kong F*, Chi Z*. Enhanced β-carotene production in Dunaliella salina under relative high flashing light (2022, 67, 102857). Algal Research (IF: 5.72) (Accepted).(*Corresponding author).

26. Yang M, Xie X, Kong F, Xie K, Yu S, Ma J, Xue S*, Gong Z* (2022). Differences in Glycerolipid Response of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Starchless Mutant to High Light and Nitrogen Deprivation Stress under Three Carbon Supply Regimes. (2022, 13:860966). Frontiers in Plant Science.  (IF: 5.75).

25. Xi Y; Zhang J; Kong F*; Che J; Chi Z (2022). Kinetic Modeling and Process Analysis for Photo-Production of β-Carotene in Dunaliella salina. (2022, 9: 4). Bioresources and Bioprocessing (IF:  4.57) (*Corresponding author).

24. Yu C, Pang H, Wang J, Chi Z, Zhang Q, Kong F, Xu Y, Li S, Che J (2022). Occurrence of antibiotics in waters, removal by microalgae-based systems, and their toxicological effects: A review. (2022, 813, 151891). Science of The Total Environment. (IF: 7.963). 

23. Li-Beisson Y, Kong F, Wang P, Lee Y, Kang B (2021). The disassembly of lipid droplets in Chlamydomonas. (2021, 231(4): 1359-1364). New Phytologist (IF: 10.15). 

22. Li B, Chen R, Zhu C, Kong F* (2021). Glowing Plants Can Light Up the Night Sky? A Review. (2021, 118(10): 3706-3715). Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (IF: 4.56) (*Corresponding author). 

21. Xi Y, Kong F*, Chi Z (2021). ROS induce β-carotene biosynthesis caused by changes of photosynthesis efficiency and energy metabolism in Dunaliella salina under stress conditions. (2021 January; (8) 613768) Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. (IF: 5.89) (*Corresponding author).

20. Zhu C, Xi Y, Zhai X, Wang J, Kong F, Chi Z (2021).Pilot outdoor cultivation of an extreme alkalihalophilic Trebouxiophyte in a floating photobioreactor using bicarbonate as carbon source (2021 February 283; 124648) Journal of Cleaner Production (IF: 9.297).

19. Lee J, Yamaoka Y, Kong F, Cagnon C, Beyly-Adriano A, Jang S, Gao P, Kang B, Li-Beisson Y, Lee Y (2020). The phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein DTH1 mediates degradation of lipid droplets in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2020 September; 117 (37) 23131-23139) PNAS (IF: 11.20).

18. Jang S†, Kong F†, Lee J†, Choi B, Wang P, Gao P, Yamano T, Fukuzawa H, Kang B, Lee Y (2020). CrABCA2 Facilitates Triacylglycerol Accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under Nitrogen Starvation. (†共同一作, 2020; 43(1): 48-57) Molecules and Cells. (IF: 5.03)

17. Zhu C, Che J, Zhai X, Wang J,Kong F, Chi Z (2020). Cost-effective and efficient production of carbohydrate from an alkalihalophilic Leptolyngbya sp. in a photobioreactor with periodical mixing.(2020, 8(40): 15310–15316) ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. (IF: 8.19)

16. Yang M, Kong F, Xie X, Wu P, Chu Y, Cao X, Xue S (2020). Galactolipid DGDG and Betaine Lipid DGTS Direct De Novo Synthesized Linolenate into Triacylglycerol in Stress-induced Starchless Mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.(2020; 61(4), 851–862) Plant & Cell Physiology. (IF: 4.93)

15. Zhu C, Zhai X, Xi Y,  Wang J, Kong F, Zhao Y, Chi Z (2020). Efficient CO2 Capture from the Air for High Microalgal Biomass Production by a Bicarbonate Pool. (2020, 37, 320-327) Journal of CO2 Utilization. (IF: 7.13)

14. Kong F*, Yamaoka Y, Ohama T, Lee Y, Li-Beisson Y (2019). Molecular Genetic Tools and Emerging Synthetic Biology Strategies to Increase Cellular Oil Content in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019 June; 60(6): 1184–1196) Plant & Cell Physiology. (IF: 4.93) (*Corresponding author).

13. Romero IT,  Kong F, Légeret B, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2020). Chlamydomonas cell cycle mutant crcdc5 over-accumulates starch and oil. (2020 February, 169, 54-61) Biochimie. (IF: 4.08)

12. Liang Y, Kong F, Romero IT, Burlacot A, Cuiné S, Légeret B, Billon E, Brotman Y, Alseekh S, Fernie A, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2019). Branched-Chain Amino Acid Catabolism Impacts Triacylglycerol Homeostasis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019 April;179(4):1502-1514) Plant Physiology. (IF: 8.34)

11. Kong F, Burlacot A, Liang Y, Légeret B, Alseekh S, Brotman Y, Fernie A, Krieger-Liszkay A, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2018). Interorganelle Communication: Peroxisomal MALATE DEHYDROGENASE2 Connects Lipid Catabolism to Photosynthesis through Redox Coupling in Chlamydomonas. (2018 August; (30):1824–1847) Plant Cell. (IF: 11.28)

10. Zhai X#, Zhu C#, Zhang Y, Pang H, Kong F, Wang J, Chi Z (2020). Seawater supplemented with bicarbonate for efficient marine microalgae production in floating photobioreactor on ocean: a case study of Chlorella sp (2020 October; (738) 139439). Science of the Total Environment. #Co-first author. (IF: 7.96).

9. Yamaoka Y, Shin S, Choi B, Kim H, Jang S, Yamano T, Kajikawa M, Kong F, Légeret B, Li-Beisson Y, Fukuzawa H, Lee Y (2019). The bZIP1 Transcription Factor Regulates Lipid Remodeling and Contributes to ER Stress Management in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019 May;31(5):1127-1140) Plant Cell. (IF: 11.28)

8. Kong F, Romero IT, Warakanont J, Li-Beisson Y (2018). Lipid catabolism in microalgae. (2018 June; 218(4): 1340-1348) New Phytologist. (IF: 10.15)

7. Kong F*, Li-Beisson Y (2018). Identification of Insertion Site by RESDA-PCR in Chlamydomonas Mutants Generated by AphVIII Random Insertional Mutagenesis. (2018 February; (03)8:e2718) Bioprotocol. (*Corresponding author). 

6. Kong F, Liang Y, Légeret B, Beyly-Adriano A, Blangy S, Haslam RP, Napier JA, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2017). Chlamydomonas carries out fatty acid β-oxidation in ancestral peroxisomes using a bona fide acyl-CoA oxidase. (2017 April; 90(2):358-371) Plant Journal. (IF: 6.42)

5. Zhu C, Zhai X, Xi Y, Wang J, Kong F, Zhao Y, Chi Z (2019). Progress on the development of floating photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation and its application potential. (2019 Nov 21;35(12):190) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. (IF: 3.13)

4. Goold HD #, Nguyen HM #,Kong F, Beyly-Adriano A, Légeret B, Billon E, Cuiné S, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2016). Whole genome re-sequencing identifies a quantitative trait locus repressing carbon reserve accumulation during optimal growth in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2016 May; 6:25209) Scientific Report. #Co-first author. (IF: 4.38)

3. Kurniasih SD, Yamasaki T, Kong F, Okada S, Widyaningrum D and Ohama T (2016). UV-mediated Chlamydomonas mutants with enhanced nuclear transgene expression by disruption of DNA methylation-dependent and independent silencing systems. (2016 December; 92 (6): 629-641) Plant Molecular Biology. (IF: 4.08)

2. Kong F, Yamasaki T, Kurniasih SD, Hou L, Li X, Ivanova N, Okada S, Ohama T (2015). Robust expression of heterologous genes by selection marker fusion system in improved Chlamydomonas strains. (2015 Sep; 120(3):239-245) Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. (IF: 3.18)

1. Kong F, Yamasaki T and Ohama T (2014). Expression levels of domestic cDNA cassettes integrated in the nuclear genomes of various Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains. (2014 May;117(5):613-616) Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. (IF: 3.18)

WIPO Patent:
Ohama T, (*), Yamasaki T, Park H-S, Kong F, Hou L, ボツリオコッカスブラウニーの単細胞単離方法及び単細胞培養方法。2013.8.22, Japan, WO2013121509 A1

Honors and Awards:

2021   Gold Medal of iGEM, PI, BOSTON, USA

2019   Gold Medal of iGEM, PI, BOSTON, USA

2018   Researcher fellowship, POSTECH, South Korea

2014   Postdoc fellowship, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France

2013   Academic research award, KUT, Japan

Project Funding:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 31900221), PI

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [DUT21LK14], PI

Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province of China (2020-MS-102),  PI

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [DUT18RC(3)041], PI

Member of the Editorial Board:

Frontiers in Marine Science, Editorial Borad

SN Applied Sciences (Discover Applied Sciences), Editorial Borad

Frontiers in Plant Science, Editorial Borad

Modern Agriculture and BiotechnologyEditorial Borad

Journal of Plant Sciences, Editor

Journal of Plant Sciences and Agriculture Technology, Editor 

The Open Microalgae Biotechnology, Associate Editor 

Reviewer: Plant Journal, Biotechnology for Biofuels, Frontier in Plant Science, Plant and Cell Physiology, Journal of Cellualr Physiology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Enviromental science and pollution research, Journal of Applied Phycology, Scientific Reports, Peer J, PLos One, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Plant Cell Reports, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Algal Research, GCB-Bioenergy, Heliyon, Molecular Biology Reports, Advanced Biotechnology, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, Journal of Applied Phycology et al.


Educational Experience

  • 2011.10-2014.9  

    Kochi University of Technology (KUT)       Molecular Genetics       Doctoral Degree

  • 2009.9-2011.7  

    Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)       Biochemistry and Molecular Biology       Master's Degree

  • 2005.9-2009.6  

    Harbin Normal University       Biology Science       Bachelor's Degree

  • 2001.9-2004.7  

    Gannan No.2 Senior High School       *

Work Experience

  • 2018.11-Now

    Dalian University of Technology (DUT)      School of Life Science and Technology      副教授      Professor (Associate)

  • 2018.7-2018.11

    Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)      Plant Cell Biology Lab      助理研究员      Researcher

  • 2014.11-2017.11

    CEA Cadarache, CNRS, France      BIAM      博士后      Postdoc

Address: No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, P.R.C., 116024

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