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A numerical investigation on characteristics of turbulent premixed flame in porous media


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2014-05-25

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S


Page Number:265-268

Key Words:turbulent combustion; porous media; flame thickness; Damkohler number; EDC model

Abstract:A numerical study on the turbulent combustion in porous media is conducted based on 2D staggered cylinders using the eddy dissipation concept model (EDC) with emphasis on characteristics of the turbulent premixed flame. The results show that as the velocity increases, the sheet of laminar flame is stretched and distorted gradually. A burned island forms at the recirculating zone due to the entrainment. Based on the parameter study, it is find that turbulent kinetic energy gradually decay after the reaction taking place. The pseudo thermal flame thickness is less than the length scale of a representative elementary volume. The Damkohler number at quasi-steady state is in the order of 10, indicating that the flame is in the flamelet regime. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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