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Degree:Doctoral Degree




Alma Mater:西北工业大学

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李贵杰,副教授,博士生导师。本科、硕士、博士均毕业西北工业大学飞行器设计专业。曾就职于中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,2021年6月加入大连理工大学航空航天学院。主要从事飞行器机构\结构设计、武器系统工程,可靠性分析及不确定性量化等方面研究的工作。曾担任某国家重点型号可靠性副主任设计师,先后主持多个重点型号可靠性工作。主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)项目、科技工业技术基础项目、基础科研核科学挑战专题项目子课题及某院所规划发展项目等多项国家级、省部级科研项目。在国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,在国内外学术会议上做口头报告10余次,完成软件著作权10余项,国家发明专利3项,完成GF报告5篇,其中1篇获优秀GF报告。担任《装备环境工程》编委、 《Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering》青年编委、国际期刊《Materials》专刊客座编辑。欢迎热爱飞行器设计的同学加入课题组。在读期间将每月发放科研补助,毕业后将积极帮助推荐到研究院所/企业工作或出国深造。教育经历2010/9-2015/4,西北工业大学,航空学院飞行器设计专业,博士2007/9-2010/4,西北工业大学,航空学院飞行器设计专业,硕士2002/9-2006/7,西北工业大学,航空学院飞行器设计与工程专业,学士工作履历2023/07-至今,大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部,副教授/博导2021/06-至今,大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部,副教授/硕导2015/06-2021/06,中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,工程师研究课题[1] 国家自然科学基金,No.52275143,混合不确定性-模糊失效准则下的结构可靠性分析新方法,2023/01-2026/12,经费54万元,主持[2] 中央高校基本科研业务费-引进人才科研专题,2021/06-2023/12,经费35万元,主持[3] 强度与结构完整性全国重点实验室,XXX复杂飞机结构系统可靠性分析与设计, 2023/09-2025/09, 主持[4] 某研究院,XXXXXXXX模块定制开发, 2022/06-2022/12, 主持[5] 中国人民解放军 XX部队,XX智能辅助决策与容错技术研究,主持(在研)[6] 横向课题,某型发动机可靠性设计方案,2021/11-2022/9,主持[7] 横向课题,复杂机械系统退化机理研究,2022/5-2023/4,主持[8] 横向课题,XXX材料性能退化试验,主持(在研)[9] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,No.11702281,模糊-随机环境下连续体结构可靠性拓扑优化方法研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持[10] GF科工局技术基础,No.JSZL2017212A001,基于XXXXX混合不确定性的可靠性设计关键技术研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持[11] 某研究院发展项目,XX结构XX性能变化研究,2016/01-2020/12,主持[12] GF技术基础项目核科学挑战专题,No.TZ2018007,复杂装备健康评估的基础科学问题,2018/01-2021/12,子课题负责人[13] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.51975548,有机涂层基体结构耦合失效机理及夸层次数据融合的贮存可靠性评估研究,2020/01-2023/12,主要参研[14] GF科工局技术基础,No.JSZL2016212A001,基于退化与失效机理的XXXXXX作用下寿命预测研究,2017/01-2019/12,主要参研学术成果n 期刊论文[1] Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Xiaobo Zhang, Feng Zhang. A reliability approach for the fuzzy and random structure based on the uniformly distributed membership level, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2022.[2] Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Jia Xu. A fuzzy reliability approach for structures based on the probability perspective. Structural Safety, 2015, 54(1): 10-18. (SCI收录,IF:5.628,JCR1区)[3] Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Zhaoyan Lu. Regional Sensitivity analysis of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties on failure probability. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2014, 46(2): 209-226. (SCI收录,IF:6.662,JCR1区)[4] Guijie Li,Zhenzhou Lu, Changcong Zhou. Discussion on: Local domain Monte Carlo simulation:H.J. Pradlwarter and G.I.Schueller, Structural Safety, 32(2010) 275-280. Structural Safety, 2013, 40(1): 78-80. (SCI收录,IF:5.628,JCR1区)[5] Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Luyi Li. Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties analysis based on non-probabilistic reliability and its kriging solution,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(9-10): 5703-5716. (SCI收录,IF:4.162,JCR1区)[6] Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Longfei Tian, Jia Xu. The importance measure on the non-probabilistic reliability index of uncertain structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2013, 227(6): 651-661. (SCI收录,IF:1.914,JCR3区)[7] Guijie Li, Chaoyang Xie, Fayuan Wei, FJ Wang. Moment-independence global sensitivity analysis for the system with fuzzy failure criterion and its Kriging solution. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2018, 29(3):9. (SCI收录,IF:1.081,JCR4区)[8] Guijie Li, Jia Xu, Chaoyang Xie, Shengyong Hu. Reliability analysis of the flexure hinge based on kriging method, Journal of Donghua University, 2016, 33(2): 288-291.[9] 李贵杰, 胡鹏, 谢朝阳, 葛任伟, 王亚顺. 基于力-热双应力加速试验的橡胶减振结构寿命预测研究, 装备环境工程. (录用)[10] 李贵杰, 张晓博, 王璐, 吕震宙. 基于Kriging代理模型的失效机会测度算法, 强度与环境,2020,47(3):37-42.[11] 李贵杰, 吕震宙等. 用非概率理论分析混合不确定性结构的可靠性,国防科技大学学报,2014,36(5),21-25.(EI收录)[12] 李贵杰, 吕震宙, 王攀. 结构非概率可靠性重要性测度分析方法,航空学报,2012,33(3):501-507.(EI收录)[13] 李贵杰, 吕震宙, 袁修开. 多失效模式下基于鞍点逼近和Nataf变换的基本变量总效应分析,机械工程学报,2011,47(6):173-179.(EI收录)[14] 李贵杰, 吕震宙. 基于鞍点逼近法的基本随机变量重要性测度算法, 力学季刊, 2011, 32(4): 605-611.[15] 李贵杰, 吕震宙, 赵新攀. 基于加权线性响应面的结构可靠性估计的鞍点逼近方法. 机械强度,2010,32(6):917-921.[16] 李贵杰, 吕震宙. 考虑状态模糊性时广义失效概率计算的鞍点逼近方法. 力学季刊, 2010, 31(1): 76-82.[17] Zhang Xiaobo, Lu Zhenzhou, Wang Lu, Li Guijie. The importance measure of fuzzy input on failure credibility under the fuzzy uncertainty. Aerospace Science and Technology, 107 (2020) 106320. (SCI 1区)[18] Kaixuan Feng, Zhenzhou Lu, Ning Wei, Guijie Li. Adaptive Kriging model for fuzzy safety degree analysis to time-dependent structure. AIAA Journal, 2020, 59(9):1-11.[19] Wang Lu, Zhang Xiaobo, Li Guijie, Lu Zhenzhou. Credibility distribution function based global sensitivity analysis under fuzzy uncertainty. Engineering with Computers, 2021(3). [20] Wang Lu, Li Guijie, Lu Zhenzhou, Kaixuan Feng. Local sensitivity analysis of failure possibility and its universal solution by fuzzy simulation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021, 64: 219-238. [21] Xiangyun Long, DL Mao, Chao Jiang, Fa Yuan Wei, Guijie Li. Unified uncertainty analysis under probabilistic, evidence, fuzzy and interval uncertainties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019, 355: 1-26. (SCI收录, IF:6.828, JCR1区)[22] Chaoyang Xie, Guijie Li, Fayuan Wei. An integrated QMU approach to structural reliability assessment based on evidence theory and kriging model with adaptive sampling. Reliability. Engineering & System Safety, 2018, 171: 112-122. (SCI收录, IF:4.302, JCR1区)[23] Chaoyang Xie, Guijie Li. Quantification of margins and uncertainties approach for structure analysis based on evidence theory. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 1: 1-5. (SCI收录, IF:1.27,JCR3区))[24] Changcong Zhou, Zhenzhou Lu, Guijie Li. A new algorithm for variance based importance measures and importance kernel sensitivity. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2012, 227(1): 16-27. (SCI收录, IF:1.914,JCR3区)[25] 陆小华, 李贵杰, 魏发远. 基于水平集函数的区间不确定性结构可靠性拓扑优化. 机械设计与制造,2020, 12: 78-82.[26] 谢朝阳, 李贵杰, 彭忠明, 黄洪钟. 基于证据理论和代理模型的QMU分析. 电子科技大学学报, 2018, 47(1), 66-72.[27] 吕召燕, 吕震宙, 李贵杰, 唐樟春. 基于密度权重的可靠性重要性测度分析方法, 航空学报, 2014, 35(1): 179-186. (EI收录)[28] 任博, 吕震宙, 李贵杰, 唐樟春. 基于通用生成函数的系统寿命可靠性分析, 航空学报, 2013, 34(11): 2550-2556. (EI收录)n 会议论文[1] Guijie Li, Fayuan Wei, Zeshu Song, Chaoyang Xie. The reliability analysis for the hybrid uncertain structure with the fuzzy failure criterion based on non-probabilistic theory. The 29th European safety and reliability conference, September 22-26, Hanover, Germany, 2019. (EI收录)[2] Guijie Li, Chaoyang Xie, Fayuan Wei, Bin Liao. The uncertainty importance analysis for the fault tree and its probability density evolution solution. The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, December 10-13, Singapore, 2017. (EI收录)[3] Guijie Li, Chaoyang Xie, Fengjun Wang, Fayuan Wei. The variance-based importance measure of the system reliability based on the fault tree analysis. The 2017 quality, reliability, risk maintenance, and safety engineering, October 24-27, Chengdu, China, 2017.[4] Guijie Li, Zhenzhou Lu, Chaoyang Xie, Jin Qin. The variance-based importance measure of the fuzzy failure criterion and its state dependent parameter solution. The 26th European safety and reliability conference, September 25-29, Glasgow, UK, 2016. (EI收录)[5] Guijie Li, Chaoyang Xie, Fayuan Wei. The moment-independence importance measure for fuzzy failure criterion and its kriging solution, 2016 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, October 19-21, Chengdu, China, 2016. (EI收录)[6] Guijie Li, Jia Xu, Chaoyang Xie, Shengyong Hu. Reliability and sensitivity analysis for the flexure hinge of a compliant mechanism, The Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance and Safety Engineering, July 21-24, Page 356-360, Beijing, China, 2015.n GF报告[1] 李贵杰,基于模糊不确定性量化的FMECA、可靠性预计与分配技术研究,GF-A9031471G, 2019.05.22[2] 李贵杰, 基于故障树分析的复杂系统可靠性重要性测度研究,GF-A9017992G, 2018.03.03[3] 李贵杰, 考虑模糊失效准则的结构可靠性分析方法,GF-A0212472G,2017.03.21[4] 李贵杰, 基于概率视角的复杂系统不确定性分析方法,GF-A0203536G,2016.03.03[5] 李贵杰, 基于证据理论的混合不确定性可靠性分析方法,GF-A0203535G,2016.03.02n 软件著作权[1] 李贵杰,朱苗苗等. 面向军用老龄化飞机的安全态势评估软件,登记号:2024SR0780649,2024.06.07.[2] 李贵杰,何宜勉等. 基于灰色神经网络的军用飞机结构腐蚀预测软件,登记号:2024SR0943524,2024.07.05.[3] 李贵杰,詹扬,基于模糊可能性方差的飞机结构可靠性重要性测度分,登记号:2024SR0411910,2024.01.30.奖励与荣誉[1] 2020年获中物院第六届机械工程学术年会优秀论文奖[2] 2019年获中物院优秀GF报告奖[3] 2017年总体工程研究所青年科研新秀报告三等奖[4] 2017年XX武器总体室第四届学术年会一等奖[5] 2016年陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖《结构机构灵敏度分析技术研究》,完成人之一[6] 2015年中物院第十一届“六性”学术交流会三等奖学术兼职[1] 2018年6月至今担任四川省电子学会电子产品可靠性与质量管理专委会委员[2] 2019年7月至今担任中国系统工程学会系统可靠性工程专业委员会委员[3] 担任《装备环境工程》编委[4] 《Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering》青年编委(副主任委员)[5] 担任《Journal of Risk and Reliability》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management》等多个期刊审稿专家研究方向[1] 飞行器结构设计[2] 飞行器系统智能化可靠性设计与评估[3] 飞行器通用质量特性综合设计与验证[4] 复杂装备不确定性量化与传播[5] 复杂装备加速实验与退化建模