- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:建设管理系
- 学科:工程管理
- 办公地点:建设工程学部4号楼509
- 联系方式:lijing@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:lijing@dlut.edu.cn
[81] 徐强, 陈健云, Zhang, Chaobi, 李静, Zhao, Chunfeng.Dynamic Analysis of AP1000 Shield Building Considering Fluid and Structure Interaction Effects[J],Nuclear Engineering and Technology,2022,48(1):246-258
[82] 徐强, 陈健云, 李静.Effects of filler material in contractionjoints on the response of arch dam[J],Energy Education Science and Technology Part A Energy Science and Research,2022,33(5)
[83] 李昱, 李静, 林皋.Effects of reservoir bottom wave absorption on dynamic response of gravity dams [库底吸收对重力坝动[J],Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering,2022,40(3):145-154
[84] 周海, 李静, 康飞.Empirical formula for calculating maximum acceleration of concrete-faced rockfill dam[A],1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2011,2022,243-249:4557-4563
[85] 陈健云, 李静, Sun Sheng-nan, Su Zhi-bin.Experimental and numerical analysis of submerged floating tunnel[J],Journal of Central South University,2022,19(10):2949-2957
[86] 陈健云, 曹翔宇, 徐强, 李静.Exploration on damage mechanism and the establishment of equivalent damage model under earthquakes b[J],KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2022,24(4):1285-1306
[87] 徐强, 陈健云, Zhao C., 李静, Yue H..Failure probability analysis of interlayer sliding belts of gravity dams under seismic load[J],Open Mechanical Engineering Journal,2022,8(1):85-91
[88] Yuan, Chenyang, 陈健云, 李静, 徐强.Fragility analysis of large-scale wind turbines under the combination of seismic and aerodynamic l[J],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2022,113:1122-1134
[89] 许青, 李静, 陈健云.Fuzzy reliability analysis of deep sliding plane in rock foundation under dam[A],6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2009,2022,6:525-529
[90] 孙彦, 柳淑学, 李静, 张杰.Frequency response between focusing waves and a vertical cylinder[A],21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2011,2022,738-743
[91] 于龙, Zhang, Heyue, 李静, Wang, Xian.Finite Element Analysis and Parametric Study of Spudcan Footing Geometries Penetrating Clay Near E[J],Journal of marine science and engineering,2022,7(6)
[92] 陈健云, 徐强, 李静.Genetic algorithm for searching for critical slip surface in gravity dams based on stress fields[A],Advanced materials research,2022,790:146-149
[93] 陈健云, 徐强, 李静, 范书立.Improved response surface method for anti-slide reliability analysis of gravity dam based on weigh[J],Journal of Zhejiang University Science A,2022,11(6):432-439
[94] 李宏男, 李静, 宋钢兵.Improved seismic control of structure with variable friction dampers by GA[A],Joint Conference of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent
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[95] 李宏男, 李静, Song, G.Improved bang-bang control for a new type of piezoelectric friction damper[A],Smart Structures and Materials 2005 Conference,2022,5760:423-433
[96] 徐强, 陈健云, 李静, Zhao Chun-feng.Influence of seismic input on response of Baihetan arch dam[J],Journal of Central South University,2022,21(6):2437-2443
[97] 徐强, Xu, Shutong, 陈健云, 李静.Investigation of Stochastic Seismic Response and Index Correlation of an Arch Dam Using Endurance [J],Advances in Civil Engineering,2022,2020
[98] 徐强, 陈健云, Liu, Bo, 李静.Investigation of Non-fully Similar Laws of Damage to an Arch Dam in Shaking Table Model Tests[J],Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2022,12(11)
[99] 李静, 陈健云, 许青.The assessment model about the disaster-bearing capacity of city's lifeline after dam-break[A],International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2009,2022
[100] 李静, 陆加林.The Carbon Footprint Accounting Model Based on BIM for Building[A],2018 International Conference on Urban and Rural Energy and Environment,2022