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    • 教授     博士生导师   硕士生导师
    • 主要任职:软件学院、大连理工大学-立命馆大学国际信息与软件学院副院长
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:日本早稻田大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:软件学院、国际信息与软件学院
    • 学科:软件工程
    • 办公地点:开发区校区 信息楼305
    • 电子邮箱:lin@dlut.edu.cn




    A co-evolution based hybrid ea for stochastic flexible job shop scheduling problem





    摘要:Flexible job shop scheduling, the core problem in manufacturing system aims to achieve flexibility and efficiency of production by efficient resource allocation under the constraint conditions. Flexible scheduling under uncertainty can not only increase flexibility but also reduce the impacts of uncertainty factors. So it can better meet production demands in practical applications, hence attracting more attentions. The existing algorithms aim to find the most compact structure on the left in the Gantt chart, however, this kind of methods have difficult in solving the stochastic scheduling problems. In this paper, we proposed coevolution hybrid evolution algorithm (ChEA), which chooses particle swarm optimization (PSO) as basic algorithm, then to use the set-based grouping methods to divide the 'overall-population' into several sub-populations, evaluated by the coevolution mechanism. Meanwhile, to self-adjust the parameters in the optimization process in order to satisfy the dynamic process. Through experiments, we get the conclusion that ChEA can get better solution of stochastic flexible job shop scheduling problems than original algorithms and improve the robustness of solution.