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学科:工程力学. 计算力学
- [41]李守巨.Numerical simulations for bending moment distribution on linings of tunnel excavated by shield[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,744-746:1033-1038
- [42]李守巨.Parameter estimation approach for particle flow model of rockfill materials using response surfac...[J],International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering,2015,4(1)
- [43]李守巨, 上官子昌, 王颂.铝合金材料蠕变模型参数优化反演方法,航空计算技术[J],航空计算技术,2015,45(5):5-7
- [44]Li S., Shangguan Z., Yu S..Meso-simulation for fracture process of inhomogeneous rock specimen[J],Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2015,20(15):6713-6720
- [45]李守巨, 曹丽娟, 霍军周, Li, Shou-Ju.盾构机土压平衡系统的ARMA模型及其参数估计[J],煤炭学报,2014,39(11):2201-2205
- [46]田泽润, 李守巨, 于申.白山抽水蓄能泵站地下厂房的岩体力学参数反演[J],岩土力学,2014,35(z2):508-513
- [47]李守巨, 张军, 梁金泉, 孙振祥.基于堆石坝竣工期沉降观测数据的材料非线性本构模型参数反演[J],岩土力学,2014,35(z2):61-67,74
- [48]李守巨, 曹丽娟, 于申, 孙振祥.基于神经网络的堆石料本构模型参数反演[J],计算机工程,2014,40(6):267-271
- [49]李守巨, 李德, 武力, 曹丽娟, Li, S.-J.(lishouju@dlut.edu.cn).非均质岩石单轴压缩试验破坏过程细观模拟及分形特性[J],煤炭学报,2014,39(5):849-854
- [50]李守巨, 张军, 景建伟, 梁金泉, 田泽润.蒲石河混凝土面板堆石坝沉降特性分析[J],力学与实践,2014,02:201-206
- [51]Li Shou-ju, Yu Shen, Qu Fu-zheng, Yu, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Modeling approaches to pressure balance dynamic system in shield tunneling[J],JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY,2014,21(3):1206-1216
- [52]Li S., Qiu P., Li H., Yu S., Wu J., Li, Shouju(lishouju@dlut.edu.cn).Influence of roughness fractal dimension of fracture surfaces on hydraulic characteristics[J],Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2014,19 U(U):6259-6271
- [53]李守巨.Parameter estimation approach for particle flow model of rockfill materials using response surfac...[A],2014
- [54]李守巨, 于申, 崔娟, 曹丽娟.盾构机切刀切土过程的有限元模拟分析[J],地下空间与工程学报,2013,9(6):1346-1349,1393
- [55]李德, 曹丽娟, 于申, 李守巨.压头作用下岩石破碎过程分形特性研究[J],岩土工程学报,2013,S2:314-319
- [56]李守巨, 于申, 张军, 田泽润.混凝土面板堆石坝蠕变沉降经验模型及其应用[J],岩土力学,2013,z2:252-256
- [57]李守巨, 于申, 李德, 武力.遗传算法的堆石料非线性本构模型参数反演方法[J],辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2013,32(9):1199-1203
- [58]Cao, L.J., Li, S.J., Shangguan, Z.C., LJ (reprint author), Dalian Ocean Univ, Sch Mech & Power Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Numerical simulation of residual stresses induced from shot peening with finite element method[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,433-435:1898-1901
- [59]李守巨, 于申, 孟庆琳, 曹丽娟, 屈福政.盾构机土仓压力平衡模型参数辨识方法研究[J],地下空间与工程学报,2013,9(4):819-824
- [60]张强, 李守巨, 聂国强.螺旋钻采煤机承压输送数学模型及仿真研究[J],煤炭学报,2013,38(z1):231-235