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学科:工程力学. 计算力学
- [141]Zichang, Shangguan, Li Shouju, Sun Wei, Luan Maotian.Estimating Model Parameters of Conditioned Soils by Using Artificial Network[A],2009,197-+
- [142]Shangguan Z., Li S., Zhang Q., Sun W., Shangguan, Z., School of Civil, Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China, email: Shangguan@dlfu.edu.cn.Numerical simulation of earth pressure distribution in head chamber of shield machine with nonlin...[J],Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2009,14 K:1-10
- [143]Shangguan Z., Li S., Luan M., Shangguan, Z., School of Civil, Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China, email: Shangguan002@sina.vip.com.Determining optimal thrust force of EPB shield machine by analytical solution[J],Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2009,14 H
- [144]李守巨, 吴金花, 刘迎曦, 吴凤吉.某大跨度地下厂房开挖过程变形监测研究[J],工程建设,2008,40(6):1-5
- [145]Li, S., Shao, L., Sun, W., Feng, S.(lishouju@dlut.edu.cn).Inverted pendulum system and soil pressure balance shield control using BP neural network[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2008,4(6):2419-2427
- [146]Li, S., Liu, Y., Zhan.Parameter estimate approach for groundwater pollution model with ant colony algorithm[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2008,4(6):2803-2808
- [147]Wang, J., Li, S., Liu, Y., Kang, C., S.(lishouju@dlut.edu.cn).Parameter estimate of nonlinear dynamic properties of elastic-plastic system based on algorithm[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2008,4(6):2465-2472
- [148]李守巨, 冯文文, 刘迎曦, 龙子祺.基于分形网络模型的裂隙岩体渗流特性分析[J],科学技术与工程,2008,8(21):5907-5910
- [149]霍趁方, 刘迎曦, 张军, 李守巨.蒲石河抽水蓄能堆石坝施工变形模拟分析[J],科学技术与工程,2008,8(20):5704-5708
- [150]李守巨, 张军, 刘迎曦, 亢晨钢.基于改进神经网络的建筑结构损伤识别方法研究[J],华中科技大学学报(城市科学版),2008,3:95-98
- [151]王永兴, 王为秋, 孙美燕, 李守巨.混凝土面板堆石坝抗震性能有限元数值模拟分析[J],科学技术与工程,2008,8(15):4210-4214
- [152]王吉喆, 李守巨, 刘迎曦, 孙秀珍, Wang, J.-Z.(wangjizhe1968@yahoo.com.cn).基于分形网络的人呼吸系统气体传输模型[J],大连理工大学学报,2008,48(4):475-479
- [153]张军, 景建伟, 陈效华, 李守巨.混凝土面板堆石坝整体稳定性的数值分析[J],科学技术与工程,2008,8(14):3858-3862
- [154]Li, S., Huo, C., Liu, Y..Inverted pendulum system control by using modified PID neural network[A],2008
- [155]段红霞, 李守巨.防波堤抗滑稳定性分析[J],大连民族学院学报,2008,10(3):257-260
- [156]冯文文, 刘迎曦, 李守巨.隧道衬砌结构安全性的有限元数值模拟分析[J],科学技术与工程,2008,8(3):703-708
- [157]Li, S., Yu, H., Liu, Y..Aquifer parameter identification with hybrid ant colony system[J],Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory,2008,8(4):359-374
- [158]Li, Shouju, Yingxi, Yu, He.Three-dimensional thermo-mechanical finite element simulation for casting ladle structure under...[A],2008,575-578:1-6
- [159]李守巨, 刘迎曦.分层层数对堆石坝沉降量影响的数值模拟分析[J],地下空间与工程学报,2008,4(7):1209-1212
- [160]李守巨, 刘迎曦.Results from in-situ monitoring of displacement, bolt load and disturbed zone of powerhouse caver...[J],Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and mining Science,2008,45(8):1519-1525