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Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2015-01-01
Journal:ICIC Express Letters
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:453-459
ISSN No.:1881803X
Abstract:Plant growth simulation algorithm (PGSA) is a kind of bionic intelligent optimization algorithm. Based on the plant phototropism as heuristic criterion, this algorithm takes the feasible region of different optimization problems as plant growth environment and transforms the changes of the object function into the growth probability (morphactin density) on different growth points. It then makes dynamic model simulating plant rapid growth towards the light (global optimization). PGSA proposed here is finally demonstrated with satisfactory solution by solving basic study (combinatorial optimization, Number Theory, multi-level optimization, integer programming, etc.) and applied study (electric power, logistics, nuke industry, hydraulic power, machine building, industrial engineering, finance engineering, etc.). ? 2015, ICIC International.