Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Title of Paper:Thermal diffusivity and butterly velocity in anisotropic Q-lattice models
Date of Publication:2018-01-29
Included Journals:SCIE
ISSN No.:1029-8479
Key Words:Holography and condensed matter physics (AdS/CMT); Gauge-gravity correspondence
Abstract:We study a relation between the thermal diffusivity (D-T) and two quantmchaotic properties, Lyapunov time (tau(L)) and butterfly velocity (v(B)) in strongly correlated systems by using a holographic method. Recently, it was shown that E-i := D-T,D-i/(v(B,i)(2) tau(L)) (i = x,y) is universal in the sense that it is determined only by some scaling exponents of the IR metric in the low temperature limit regardless of the matter fields and ultraviolet data. Inspired by this observation, by analyzing the anisotropic IR scaling geometry carefully, we find the concrete expressions for Ei in terms of the critical dynamical exponents z(i) in each direction, E-i = z(i)/2(z(i) - 1). Furthermore, we find the lower bound of Ei is always 1/2, which is not affected by anisotropy, contrary to the eta/s case. However, there may be an upper bound determined by given fixed anisotropy.
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