Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2002-07-01
Journal:International Symposium on Applied Mathermatics
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、CPCI-S、Scopus
Page Number:221-232
ISSN No.:0377-0427
Key Words:recurrence surface; L-surface; W-surface; Bezier surface; envelope
Abstract:In this paper, L- and W-surface are constructed via recurrence scheme. The derivation formulae, basis function properties, envelope theorems of L-surface and an equivalent representation of L-surface into Bezier surface are presented. Especially, a C-2 bicubic spline surface on a cross-cut grid partition consisting of quadrilaterals is given, which can be used to replace the biquintic surface in most of the applications. The new method has been applied in the field of contour design of human body and aircraft. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.