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    • 教授       硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:哈尔滨建筑大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:建设工程学院
    • 电子邮箱:ojinping@dlut.edu.cn




    Wireless inclinometer acquisition system for reducing swing movement control module experiment of hook model






    关键字:wireless sensor; structural health monitoring; reducing swing control; MEMS; inclinometer

    摘要:Large Scale Heavy Derrick Lay Barge is very important for sea work. Under intense wind and wave load, the hook on the Barge will vibrate so large that in some cases it can not work. Through installing the Tuned Mass Damper(TMD) on the hook, the vibration will be reduced to a certain range to meet the demand on sea work, which is also important for increasing the efficiency of sea work. To design the suitable TMD for the hook, the dynamical parameters should be specified beforehand. Generally, the related dynamical parameters such as inclinometer and acceleration are measured by wire sensors. But due to the restriction of the actual condition, the wire sensors are very hard to implement. Recently, the wireless sensors have been presented to overcome the shortcomings of wire ones. It is more suitable and also convenient to utilize wireless sensors to acquire the useful data of large scale heavy derrick lay barge.
       In this paper, the hook reducing swing movement control module is designed for large scale heavy derrick lay barge. Secondly, wireles's inclinometer sensor system is integrated using the technique of MEMS, sensing and wireless communication. Finally, the hook reducing swing movement control module is validated by the developed wireless inclinometer data acquisition system. The wireless inclinometer sensor can be used not only in swing monitoring for large scale heavy derrick lay barge's Hook, but also in vibration monitoring for TV tower, large crane. In general, it has great application foreground.