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    • 教授       硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:哈尔滨建筑大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:建设工程学院
    • 电子邮箱:ojinping@dlut.edu.cn




    Dynamic impact behaviors and constitutive model of super-fine stainless wire reinforced reactive powder concrete









    关键字:Super-fine stainless wire; Reactive powder concrete; Strain-rate strengthening effect; Dynamic impact toughness; Constitutive model

    摘要:The dynamic impact behavior of super-fine stainless wire (SSW) reinforced reactive powder concrete (RPC) was studied through split hopkinson pressure bar test with the strain rate range from 94/s to 926/s in this paper. The modification mechanisms of SSW to the dynamic impact performance of RPC were revealed via computed tomography and scanning electron microscope analysis. Experimental results showed that the dynamic impact compressive strength of SSW reinforced RPC increases with the strain rate. The dynamic increase factor of compressive strength is decreased and the strain-rate strengthening effect of RPC is weakened by SSW. The maximum dynamic peak strain of SSW reinforced RPC reaches up to 34,070 mu epsilon at the strain rate of 305/s. The limit strain of RPC is decreased because of the lateral confinement effect of SSW. The stress-strain curves of SSW reinforced RPC include elastic stage, elastic-plastic stage and descending stage. The addition of SSW leads 43.5% and 58.2% of increase in dynamic impact toughness and impact dissipate energy of RPC, respectively. Increasing SSW volume fraction makes more SSW to inhibit the generation and propagation of cracks in RPC, thus leading to the decrease of destruction degree. The formation of inter-anchored interface among bundling SSW increases the resistance of RPC to crack development. The dynamic impact constitutive model established on the basis of revised visco-elastic and damage theory can well describe the stress-strain relationship of SSW reinforced RPC at different strain rates, in which the strain threshold is governed by strain rate and SSW volume fraction simultaneously. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.