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Comparative Analysis on Coupling Effects between an Innovative Deep Draft Platform and Different Mooring Models


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2012-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、Scopus



Page Number:318-328

ISSN No.:0007-215X

Key Words:spar; mooring system; coupled analysis; responses; tension

Abstract:In global responses analysis for an innovative deep draft multi-spar platform, three different types of the mooring system are considered, namely a catenary, a semi-taut and a taut mooring system. These three types of mooring systems have the same arrangements with similar static restoring force characteristics. In this paper, the platform motions and mooring responses in three different water depths ranging from 500 m to 1500 m are analyzed. The coupling effects between the spar platform and its mooring lines are investigated through a numerical simulation method. Free-decay and three hours simulations under certain sea state conditions in the South China Sea are executed. The specific numerical results and analysis conclusions would be helpful for mooring system selection and motion performance study in the preliminary design.

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