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学科:工程力学. 固体力学. 航空航天力学与工程. 应用与实验力学. 机械制造及其自动化. 机械设计及理论. 车辆工程. 工业工程
- [61]石姗姗, 孙直, 任明法, 陈浩然, Ren, M.-F.(renmf@dlut.edu.cn).格栅非均匀分布效应对复合材料格栅加筋圆锥壳体稳定性的影响[J],工程力学,2012,29(4):43-48
- [62]Zhao Y., Guo X., Ren M., Guo, X., State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.Lock-in infrared thermography for non-destructive testing of grid stiffened composite structure[J],Advanced Science Letters,2012,5(2):593-596
- [63]任明法.Resin Flow of an Advanced Grid-Stiffened Composite Structure in the Co-Curing Process[J],Applied Composite Materials,2012,4(9):1-12
- [64]He Jingxuan, Ren Mingfa, Sun Shiyong, Huang Qizhong, Sun Xiannian, Ren, MF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Failure prediction on advanced grid stiffened composite cylinder under axial compression[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2011,93(7):1939-1946
- [65]任明法, 陈浩然.Experimental investigation into the buckling behavior of an advanced grid stiffened plate by a fr...[J],Advanced Materials Research,2011,217(1):1153-1158
- [66]孙直, 任明法, 陈浩然.含金属内衬的复合材料缠绕容器自紧力工程分析方法[J],复合材料学报,2011,28(2):217-221
- [67]黄其忠, 任明法, 陈浩然, Ren, M.-F.(renmf@dlut.edu.cn).先进格栅增强复合材料结构在软模共固化成型过程中工艺参数研究[J],工程力学,2011,28(4):226
- [68]黄其忠, 任明法, 陈浩然, 张驰群, Ren, M.(renmf@dlut.edu.cn).复合材料先进网格结构共固化工艺的温度场模拟[J],复合材料学报,2011,28(3):141-147
- [69]郭杏林, 任明法.Lock-in Infrared Thermography for the Non-destructive Testing of Fatigue Specimen[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2011,44(47):576-580
- [70]赵延广, 郭杏林, 任明法, Ren, M.(renmf@dlut.edu.cn).基于锁相红外热成像理论的复合材料网格加筋结构的无损检测[J],复合材料学报,2011,28(1):199-205
- [71]孙直, 任明法, 陈浩然, Ren, M.(renmf@dlut.edu.cn).含金属内衬的复合材料缠绕薄壁容器自紧设计的工程方法[J],复合材料学报,2011,28(2):217-221
- [72]黄其忠, 任明法, 陈浩然.复合材料网格结构在软模共固化成型过程中工艺参数研究[J],工程力学,2011,28(4):226-237
- [73]黄其忠, 任明法, 陈浩然.先进格栅结构(AGS)共固化工艺的三维温度场模拟[A],2010,409-416
- [74]赵延广, 郭杏林, 任明法, 樊俊铃.锁相红外热像技术在焊接构件疲劳性能研究中的应用[A],2010,4
- [75]马仁涛, 郝传璞, 王清, 任明法, 王英敏, 董闯, Wang, Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Mat Modificat, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..低弹bcc结构Ti-Mo-Nb-Zr固溶体合金的“团簇+连接原子”模型及其成分设计[J],金属学报,2010,46(09):1034-1040
- [76]李桐, 任明法, 陈浩然, Ren, M., State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industry Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China, email: renmf@dlut.edu.cn.基于灰色系统理论的疲劳裂纹扩展速率计算方法[J],机械强度,2010,32(3):472-475
- [77]贾子光, 任亮, 李宏男, 任明法, 黄其忠, Jia, Z.(030507jiaziguang@163.com).应用光纤光栅传感器监测复合材料固化过程[J],中国激光,2010,37(5):1298-1303
- [78]郭杏林, 任明法.,Lock-in Infrared Thermography for the Non-destructive Testing of Fatigue Specimen with Defects[A],2010
- [79]任明法.The numerical simulation of co-curing process for AGS plate[J],Advanced Materials Research,2010,97(3):1764-1767
- [80]郭杏林, 任明法.Lock-in infrared thermography for non-destructive testing of grid stiffened composite structure[A],2010