Xuehua Ruan

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Title : 辽宁省工业VOCs综合治理及利用专业技术创新中心副主任


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Chemical Engineering. Membrane Science and Technology. Water Science and Technology

Business Address:盘锦校区D01-316A


Research Projects



Leading Scientist:Xuehua Ruan

Project Participants:He Gaohong,Xiaoming Yan,zhengwenji,Jiang Xiaobin

Supported by:企事业单位委托科技项目


Supported by:大连凯信石化科技有限公司

Nature of Project:横向

Date of Project Approval:2014-10-01

Scheduled completion time:2016-09-30

Date of Project Initiation:2014-10-01

Date of Project Completion:2020-06-30

Pre One:含氟膜材料气体渗透测试设备的研发

Next One:四氟乙烯精制尾气膜分离回收工艺及装置的研发




长期从事新型高效分离膜及其工业化过程研究,包括膜材料设计合成、特种分离膜研制及规模化生产、膜组件高精度离散数值计算以及多源复杂分离过程优化设计等具体方向,是科技部新型高效过程耦合强化创新团队和基金委气体分离和新能源膜与膜工程创新研究群体的年轻骨干,负责国家自然科学基金项目3项,国家重点研发计划国际合作项目子课题1项,博士后科学基金面上一等资助1项,参与国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目、重点项目、面上项目等6项,在AIChE J., Chem. Eng. Sci.J. Membr. Sci.等化工领域权威期刊发表SCI论文110余篇,申请国家发明专利100余项,获授权60项,研发的膜产品和工艺技术已经在中石化镇海炼化、胜利油田、西北油田、中石油辽河石化、辽阳石化和大连石化等企业成功实施20余项,荣获国家科学技术进步二等奖2次(膜法高效回收与减排化工行业挥发性有机气体,第三完成人,2018年;含烃石化尾气梯级耦合膜分离技术研发与工业应用,第四完成人,2010年)、侯德榜化工科技青年奖1次、日内瓦国际发明展特别嘉许金奖1次、中国石油和化学工业联合会/协会科技进步一等奖2次、中国专利优秀奖1次,2019年入选辽宁省兴辽英才计划青年拔尖人才,2020年被聘为《膜科学与技术》通讯编委,入选中国化工学会化工过程强化专委会青委会委员,2021年被聘为中文EI期刊《化工进展》编委。






[118] Evaluation of PTFPMS membrane towards application in artificial oxygenation, X Zhang, B Du, Z Liao, Y Dai, X Ruan, Y Pan, X Jiang, W Zheng, M Guo, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 327, 124762


[117] Multi-membrane integrated processes for helium and methane synergistic recovery after flash-vaporization units in LNG plants, Y Li, H Xiao, W Zheng, W Xiao, X Jiang, G He, X Ruan, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 326, 124825


[116] Amphiphilic PDMS-HEMA membrane surface for improved gas selectivity and blood compatibility, X Zhang, X Zhang, B Du, X Wang, X Ruan, W Zheng, Y Dai, M Guo, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 690, 122183


[115] Polyimide membrane materials with multiple trifluoromethyl groups for helium enrichment from natural gases, L Xing, J Qin, J Wang, K Wang, H Wang, Z Yang, G He, X Ruan, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62, 16081-16092


[114] Highly alkaline stability poly(aryl ether piperidinium) anion exchange membranes with partial aryl ether segments, J Liu, L Gao, X Ruan, W Zheng, X Yan, G He, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144547


[113] Mesopore engineering of ZIF-8 by [Bmim][Tf2N] positioning into nanocage for enhanced CO2 capture, W Zheng, Z Li, Y Dai, X Li, X Ruan, X Jiang, X Zhang, G He, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 280, 118998


[112] Amino-functional CPL-1 with abundant CO2-philic groups to enhance MMM-based CO2 separation, H Wang, Y Ding, M Ning, M Yu, W Zheng, X Ruan, Y Xi, Y Dai, H Liu, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 322, 124227


[111] Porous MgO-modified biochar adsorbents fabricated by the activation of Mg(NO3)2 for phosphate removal: synergistic enhancement of porosity and active sites, H Liang, W Wang, H Liu, X Deng, D Zhang, Y Zou, X Ruan, Chemosphere, 2023, 324, 138320


[110] Constructing gas transmission pathways in two-dimensional composite material ZIF-8@BNNS mixed-matrix membranes to enhance CO2/N2 separation performance, F Guo, W Xiao, C Ma, X Ruan, G He, H Wang, Z Yang, X Jiang, Membranes, 2023, 13, 444


[109] Optimization of the hydrogen production process coupled with membrane separation and steam reforming from coke oven gas using the response surface methodology, X Han, A Cheng, X Wu, X Ruan, H Wang, X Jiang, G He, W Xiao, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48, 26238-26250


[108] Interfacial confined droplet on sessile platform for crystal screening and harvest, Z Yuan, M Wu, Z Li, X Ruan, X Li, W Xiao, X Wu, X Yan, G He, X Jiang, AIChE Journal, 2023, 69 (4), e17963


[107] Amine group graft ZIF-93 to create gas storage space to improve the gas separation performance of Pebax-1657 MMMs, Y Ding, H Wang, M Yu, W Zheng, X Ruan, X Li, Y Xi, Y Dai, H Liu, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 309, 122949


[106] Regulating the pore engineering of MOFs by the confined dissolving of PSA template to improve CO2 capture, W Zheng, R Ding, Y Dai, X Ruan, X Li, X Jiang, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 670, 121373


[105] Pyridine-extended proton sponge enabling high-performance membrane for flow batteries, L Hu, L Gao, M Di, W Zheng, X Ruan, Y Dai, W Chen, G He, X YanJournal of Membrane Science, 2023, 669, 121290


[104] Improved spherical particle preparation of ceftriaxone sodium via membrane-assisted spherical crystallization, X Hu, Y Zhao, W Xiao, G He, H Jiang, X Ruan, X Jiang, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62, 4444-4454


[103] A partial element stage cut electrochemical hydrogen pump model for hydrogen separation and compression, A Cheng, W Xiao, X Jiang, X Ruan, G He, X Li, H Wang, X Wu, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 307, 122790


[102] Membrane assisted reactive crystallization with multiple interfacial flow regimes for effective mass transfer control, Y Niu, L Sheng, Z Qi, M Wu, S Du, Y Meng, Z Yuan, W Xiao, X Ruan, X Yan, X Li, G He, X Jiang, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 266, 118287


[101] Facile fabrication of nitrate-activated magnesite wastes-derived porous adsorbents with abundant active sites for highly efficient phosphate removal, H Liang, W Wang, W Liang, X Deng, X Ruan, D Zhang, Y Yang, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11, 109126


[100] Tunable morphosynthesis of calcium carbonate in aqueous solution enabled by Janus membrane, M Wu, Z Li, Z Yuan, H Jiang, Y Niu, X Ruan, X Yan, X Li, X Wu, G He, X Jiang, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2210074


[99] Shaping droplet by semiflexible micro crystallizer for high quality crystal harvest, Z Yuan, Z Li, M Wu, W Xiao, X Li, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, X Jiang, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 629, 334-345


[98] Restrained MSUM crystallization via hydrogel composited membrane based platform for gout prevention and control, Y Meng, Z Qi, H Jiang, Z Li, Q Xiao, Z Xia, M Yu, X Ruan, G He, X Jiang, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 450, 138155


[97] On-line monitoring and analysis of membrane-assisted internal seeding for cooling crystallization of ammonium persulfate, G Shao, Z He, W Xiao, G He, X Ruan, X Jiang, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 263, 118081


[96] Hemocompatible polydimethylsiloxane/polysulfone ultrathin composite membrane for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, X Zhang, B Du, Y Dai, W Zheng, X Ruan, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 302, 122028


[95] A kinetics-mass transport model for CO2 electroreduction reactor to investigate performance limitation factors, Y Fang, H Cui, B Chen, W Chen, X Ruan, X Wu, F Cui, M Guo, G He, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 262, 117996


[94] Covalent organic framework-based membrane improved the performance of reverse electrodialysis under Na+/Mg2+ mixed solution, X Sun, M Di, L Gao, L Hu, W Zheng, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, Desalination, 2022, 542, 115976


[93] Pore engineering of MOFs through in-situ polymerization of dopamine into the cages to boost gas selective screening of mixed-matrix membranes, W Zheng, D Wang, X Ruan, Y Dai, X Yan, X Zhang, X Li, X Jiang, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661, 120882


[92] Solvent-resistant porous membranes using poly (ether—ether ketone): preparation and application, L Xing, J Wang, X Ruan, G He, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2022, 16, 1536-1559


[91] Boosting the CO2/N2 selectivity of MMMs by vesicle shaped ZIF-8 with high amino content, R Ding, Z Li, Y Dai, X Li, X Ruan, J Gao, W Zheng, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 298, 121594


[90] PNIPAm hydrogel composite membrane for high-throughput adsorption of biological macromolecules, Q Xiao, Y Cui, Y Meng, F Guo, X Ruan, G He, X Jiang, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 294, 121224


[89] Constructing a CO2-philic and highly permeative transmission pathway in electrospun fiber composite membranes by introduction of ether-oxygen groups, Z Liu, W Zheng, Z Li, Y Dai, X Jiang, X Zhang, X Ruan, X Wu, G He, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 11544-11554


[88] 3D hollow CoNi-LDH nanocages based MMMs with low resistance and CO2-philic transport channel to boost CO2 capture, W Zheng, J Yu, Z Hu, X Ruan, X Li, Y Dai, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 653, 120542


[87] Protein crystal regulation and harvest via electric field-based method, Z Yuan, M Wu, Y Meng, Y Niu, W Xiao, X Ruan, G He, X Jiang, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2022, 36, 100744


[86] Novel and versatile PEI modified ZIF-8 hollow nanotubes to construct CO2 facilitated transport pathway in MMMs, R Ding, Q Wang, X Ruan, Y Dai, X Li, W Zheng, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 289, 120768


[85] PAN electrospun nanofiber skeleton induced MOFs continuous distribution in MMMs to boost CO2 capture, W Zheng, Z Li, T Sun, X Ruan, Y Dai, X Li, C Zhang, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 650, 120330


[84] Regulating cutoff size of metal-organic frameworks by in situ anchoring of poly(ethylene glycol) to boost CO2 capture, D Wang, Q Wang, W Zheng, Y Dai, X Ruan, X Li, G He, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 6650-6661


[83] Design and economic evaluation of a hybrid membrane separation process from multiple refinery gases using a graphic synthesis method, JAS Perez, A Cheng, X Ruan, X Jiang, H Wang, G He, W Xiao, Processes, 2022, 10, 820


[82] Constructing continuous and fast transport pathway by highly permeable polymer electrospun fibers in composite membrane to improve CO2 capture, W Zheng, Z Liu, R Ding, Y Dai, X Li, X Ruan, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 285, 120332


[81] A covalent organic framework membrane with homo hierarchical pores for confined reactive crystallization, M Wu, X Jiang, Y Meng, Y Niu, Z Yuan, S Du, X Li, X Ruan, W Xiao, X Yan, G He, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 4739-4749


[80] Interfacial co-weaving of AO-PIM-1 and ZIF-8 in composite membranes for enhanced H2 purification, S Xiong, C Pan, G Dai, C Liu, Z Tan, C Chen, S Yang, X Ruan, J Tang, G Yu, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 645, 120217


[79] Constructing continuous and fast transport pathway by highly permeable polymer electrospun fibers in composite membrane to improve CO2 capture, W Zheng, Z Liu, R Ding, Y Dai, X Li, X Ruan, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 285, 120332


[78] Constructing MOF-doped two-dimensional composite material ZIF-90@ C3N4 mixed matrix membranes for CO2/N2 separation, F Guo, D Li, R Ding, J Gao, X Ruan, X Jiang, G He, W Xiao, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 280, 119803


[77] Membrane-assisted cooling crystallization for interfacial nucleation induction and self-seeding control, W Xiao, Z He, G Shao, P Li, X Ruan, X Yan, X Wu, X Li, G He, X Jiang, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03984


[76] High selective synthesis of CaCO3 superstructures via ultra-homoporous interfacial crystallizer, M Wu, X Jiang, Y Meng, Y Niu, Z Yuan, W Xiao, X Li, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2021, 8, 100179


[75] Nanofibers interpenetrating network mimicking “reinforced-concrete” to construct mechanically robust composite membrane for enhanced CO2 separation, T Sun, W Zheng, J Chen, Y Dai, X Li, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 639, 119749


[74] A multi-objective optimization strategy of steam power system to achieve standard emission and optimal economic by NSGA-, W Xiao, A Cheng, S Li, X Jiang, X Ruan, G He, Energy, 2021, 232, 120953


[73] ZIF-8 hollow nanotubes based mixed matrix membranes with high-speed gas transmission channel to promote CO2/N2 separation, Q Wang, Y Dai, X Ruan, W Zheng, X Yan, X Li, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 630, 119323


[72] Na+/Mg2+ interactions on membrane distillation permeation flux and crystallization performance during high saline solution treatment, P Li, G Li, W Xiao, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, X Jiang, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 259, 118191


[71] Prestructured MXene fillers with uniform channels to enhance CO2 selective permeation in mixed matrix membranes, W Guan, X Yang, C Dong, X Yan, W Zheng, Y Xi, X Ruan, Y Dai, G He, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138, 49895


[70] Movable membrane-based separation system with high SF6 retention for large-scale gas-insulated transmission lines during maintenance, Q Li, M Guo, G He, X Yan, W Zheng, Y Dai, X Ruan, Separation and Purification Technology,  2021, 264, 118438


[69] Vesicles-shaped MOF-based mixed matrix membranes with intensified interfacial affinity and CO2 transport freeway, R Ding, Y Dai, W Zheng, X Li, X Yan, Y Liu, X Ruan, S Li, X Yang, K Yang, G He, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 414, 128807


[68] Constructing low-resistance and high-selectivity transport multi-channels in mixed matrix membranes for efficient CO2 separation, X Yang, W Zheng, Y Xi, W Guan, X Yan, X Ruan, C Ma, Y Dai, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 624, 119046


[67] Multi-technique integration separation frameworks after steam reforming for coal-based hydrogen generation, X Ruan, W Huo, J Wang, M Guo, W Zheng, Y Zou, A Huang, J Shou, G He, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 35, 163-172


[68] Twisted ether-free polymer based alkaline membrane for high-performance water electrolysis, X Yan, X Yang, X Su, L Gao, J Zhao, L Hu, M Di, T Li, X Ruan, G He, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 480, 228805


[65] Bioinspired hybrid micro/nanostructure composited membrane with intensified mass transfer and antifouling for high saline water membrane distillation, X Jiang, Y Shao, J Li, M Wu, Y Niu, X Ruan, X Yan, X Li, G He, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 17376-17386


[64] Covalent/ionic co-crosslinking constructing ultra-densely functionalized ether-free poly (biphenylene piperidinium) amphoteric membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries, H Zhang, L Hu, L Gao, M Di, Y Du, X Yan, Y Dai, X Ruan, G He, Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 359, 136879


[63] Visual study and simulation of interfacial liquid layer mass transfer in membrane-assisted antisolvent crystallization, L Sheng, J Li, G He, W Xiao, X Yan, X Li, X Ruan, X Jiang, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 228, 116003


[62] Cefalexin crystallization residual liquor separation via nanofiltration based multistage process, M Wu, X Ruan, KR Tinotenda, B Hou, X Jiang, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 251, 117356


[61] Interfacial microdroplet evaporative crystallization on 3D printed regular matrix platform, X Jiang,  M Han,  Z Xia,  J Li,  X Ruan,  X Yan,  W Xiao,  G He, AIChE Journal, 2020, 66, e16280


[60] Membrane assisted antisolvent crystallization: Interfacial mass transfer simulation and multistage process control, J Li, L Sheng, L Tuo, W Xiao, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, X Jiang, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 10160-10171


[59] A novel process of H2/CO2 membrane separation of shifted syngas coupled with gasoil hydrogenation, W Huang, X Jiang, G He, X Ruan, B Chen, AK Nizamani, X Li, X Wu, W Xiao, Processes, 2020, 8, 590


[58] Efficiency separation process of H2/CO2/CH4 mixtures by a hollow fiber dual membrane separator, W Xiao, P Gao, Y Dai, X Ruan, X Jiang, X Wu, Y Fang, G He, Processes, 2020, 8, 560


[57] Hydrophilic/hydrophobic-bi-comb-shaped amphoteric membrane for vanadium redox flow battery, Z Dong, M Di, L Hu, L Gao, X Yan, X Ruan, X Wu, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 608, 118179


[56] Ionic liquid tuning nanocage size of MOFs through a two-step adsorption/infiltration strategy for enhanced gas screening of mixed-matrix membranes, Z Guo, W Zheng, X Yan, Y Dai, X Ruan, X Yang, X Li, N Zhang, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 605, 118101


[55] A new long-side-chain sulfonated PPO/PBI amphoteric membrane for vanadium redox flow battery, B Jiang, L Hu, X Yan, J Sun, L Gao, Y Dai, X Ruan, G He, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28, 1918-1924


[54] Stretched ZIF-8@GO flake-like fillers via pre-Zn(II)-doping strategy to enhance CO2 permeation in mixed matrix membranes, K Yang, Y Dai, X Ruan, W Zheng, X Yang, R Ding, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 601, 117934


[53] Amino-functional ZIF-8 nanocrystals by microemulsion based mixed linker strategy and the enhanced CO2/N2 separation, R Ding, W Zheng, K Yang, Y Dai, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 236, 116209


[52] Membrane-based separation technologies: from polymeric materials to novel process: an outlook from China, Z Jiang, L Chu, X Wu, Z Wang, X Jiang, X Ju, X Ruan, G He, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2019, 36,  67-105


[51] Novel piperidinium functionalized anionic membrane for alkaline polymer electrolysis with excellent electrochemical properties, X Su, L Gao, L Hu, NA Qaisrani, X Yan, W Zhang, X Jiang, X Ruan, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 581, 283-292


[50] Long-branched and densely functionalized anion exchange membranes for fuel cells, J Liu, X Yan, L Gao, L Hu, X Wu, Y Dai, X Ruan, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 581, 82-92


[49] Superhydrophobic polypropylene membrane with fabricated antifouling interface for vacuum membrane distillation treating high concentration sodium/magnesium saline water, Y Shao, M Han, Y Wang, G Li, W Xiao, X Li, X Wu, X Ruan, X Yan, G He, X Jiang, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 579, 240-252


[48] Fabrication of defect-free Matrimid® asymmetric membranes and the elevated temperature application for N2/SF6 separation, Y Dai, Q Li, X Ruan, Y Hou, X Jiang, X Yan, G He, F Meng, Z Wang, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 577, 258-265


[47] ZIFs-modified GO plates for enhanced CO2 separation performance of ethyl cellulose based mixed matrix membranes, K Yang, Y Dai, W Zheng, X Ruan, H Li, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 214, 87-94


[46] Graphic synthesis method for multi-technique integration separation sequences of multi-input refinery gases, X Ruan, H Xiao, X Jiang, X Yan, Y Dai, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 214, 187-195


[45] ZIF-8 heterogeneous nucleation and growth mechanism on Zn(II)-doped polydopamine for composite membrane fabrication, X Ruan, X Zhang, Z Zhou, X Jiang, Y Dai, X Yan, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 214, 95-103


[44] Enhanced performance of superhydrophobic polypropylene membrane with modified antifouling surface for high salinity water treatment, Y Wang, G He, Y Shao, D Zhang, X Ruan, W Xiao, X Li, X Wu, X Jiang, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 214, 11-20


[43] Membrane separation system for coal-fired flue gas reclamation: process planning and initial design, X Ruan, H Xiao, J Shou, A Huang, W Xiao, G He, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 97, 717-726


[42] Hydration structures of vanadium/oxovanadium cations in the presence of sulfuric acid: a molecular dynamics simulation study, N Zhang, B Yang, J Huo, W Qi, X Zhang, X Ruan, J Bao, G He, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195, 683-692


[41] Interface-based crystal particle autoselection via membrane crystallization: from scaling to process control, X Jiang, D Lu, W Xiao, G Li, R Zhao, X Li, G He, X Ruan, AIChE Journal, 2019, 65 (2), 723-733


[40] A novel hollow fiber membrane-assisted antisolvent crystallization for enhanced mass transfer process control, L Tuo, X Ruan, W Xiao, X Li, G He, X Jiang, AIChE Journal, 2019, 65 (2), 734-744


[39] Novel triple tertiary amine polymer-based hydrogen bond network inducing highly efficient proton-conducting channels of amphoteric membranes for high-performance vanadium redox flow battery, H Zhang, X Yan, L Gao, L Hu, X Ruan, W Zheng, G He, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 5003-5014


[38] "Fishnet-like" ion-selective nanochannels in advanced membranes for flow batteries, L Hu, L Gao, C Zhang, X Yan, X Jiang, W Zheng, X Ruan, X Wu, G Yu, G He, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 21112-21119


[37] Understanding of imidazolium group hydration and polymer structure for hydroxide anion conduction in hydrated imidazolium-g-PPO membrane by molecular dynamics simulations, N Zhang, J Huo, B Yang, X Ruan, X Zhang, J Bao, W Qi, G He, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192, 1167-1176


[36] Tailored robust hydrogel composite membranes for continuous protein crystallization with ultrahigh morphology selectivity, L Wang, G He, X Ruan, D Zhang, W Xiao, X Li, X Wu, X Jiang, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 26653-26661


[35] Integration of molecular dynamic simulation and free volume theory for modeling membrane VOC/gas separation, B Chen, Y Dai, X Ruan, Y Xi, G He, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2018, 12 (2), 296-305


[34] Facile fabrication of reinforced homoporous MF membranes by in situ breath figure and thermal adhesion method on substrates, X Ruan, K Zhang, X Jiang, X Zhang, X Yan, N Zhang, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 554, 291-299


[33] Hydrophilic side chain assisting continuous ion-conducting channels for anion exchange membranes, Y Pan, Q Zhang, X Yan, J Liu, X Xu, T Wang, I El Hamouti, X Ruan, C Hao, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 552, 286-294


[32] Effect of hydrogen-bonding interaction on the arrangement and dynamics of water confined in a polyamide membrane: A molecular dynamics simulation, N Zhang, S Chen, B Yang, J Huo, X Zhang, J Bao, X Ruan, G He, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018, 122 (17), 4719-4728


[31] Highly efficient tetrafluoroethylene recovery for batch polymerization system: Membrane preparation and process development, H Wang, Y Dai, X Ruan, X Jiang, X Yan, W Xiao, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 549, 403-410


[30] Structural characteristics of hydrated protons in ion conductive channels: synergistic effect of the sulfonate group and fluorine studied by molecular dynamics simulation, Y Song, J Huo, N Zhang, J Bao, X Zhang, X Ruan, G He, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122 (4), 1982-1989


[29] A novel long-side-chain sulfonated poly (2, 6-dimethyl-1, 4-phenylene oxide) membrane for vanadium redox flow battery, X Yan, J Sun, L Gao, W Zheng, Y Dai, X Ruan, G He, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43 (1), 301-310


[28] Hybrid control mechanism of crystal morphology modification for ternary solution treatment via membrane assisted crystallization, X Jiang, G Li, D Lu, W Xiao, X Ruan, X Li, G He, Crystal Growth & Design, 2017, 18 (2), 934-943


[27] A novel imidazolium-based amphoteric membrane for high-performance vanadium redox flow battery, X Yan, C Zhang, Y Dai, W Zheng, X Ruan, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 544, 98-107


[26] Polyimide membrane system for tetrafluoroethylene recovery: Industrial plant, optimal operation and economic analysis, X Ruan, H Wang, Y Dai, X Yan, N Zhang, X Jiang, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 188, 468-475


[25] Enhancing mechanical stability and uniformity of 2-D continuous ZIF-8 membranes by Zn (II)-doped polydopamine modification, X Ruan, X Zhang, X Liao, X Jiang, Y Dai, X Yan, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 541, 101-107


[24] Polyethyleneiminegrafted membranes for simultaneously adsorbing heavy metal ions and rejecting suspended particles in wastewater, X Ruan, Y Xu, X Liao, G He, X Yan, Y Dai, N Zhang, L Du, AIChE Journal, 2017, 63, 4541-4548


[23] Improvement of alkaline stability for hydroxide exchange membranes by the interactions between strongly polar nitrile groups and functional cations, X Yan, R Deng, Y Pan, X Xu, I El Hamouti, X Ruan, X Wu, C Hao, G He, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 533, 121-129


[22] Formation mechanism of the spiral-like structure of a hydrogen bond network confined in a fluorinated nanochannel: a molecular dynamics simulation, N Zhang, Y Song, J Huo, Y Li, Z Liu, J Bao, S Chen, X Ruan, G He, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (25), 13840-13847


[21] Modeling and simulation of mitigating membrane fouling under a baffle-filled turbulent flow with permeate boundary, W Zhang, X Ruan, Y Ma, X Jiang, W Zheng, Y Liu, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 179, 13-24


[20] Molecular dynamics study of confined structure and diffusion of hydrated proton in Hyfion® perfluorosulfonic acid membranes, N Zhang, Z Liu, X Ruan, X Yan, Y Song, Z Shen, X Wu, G He, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 158, 234-244


[19] Long-spacer-chain imidazolium functionalized poly (ether ether ketone) as hydroxide exchange membrane for fuel cell, X Yan, L Gao, W Zheng, X Ruan, C Zhang, X Wu, G He, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41 (33), 14982-14990


[18] Molecular dynamics simulation of the hydration structure and hydrogen bonding behavior of phenol in aqueous solution, N Zhang, X Ruan, Y Song, Z Liu, G He, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 221, 942-948


[17] Effective reclamation of vent gas in ethylbenzene dehydrogenation by coupling multi-stage circle absorption and membrane units, X Ruan, L Wang, Y Dai, N Zhang, X Yan, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 168, 265-274


[16] Constructing a rigid crosslinked structure for enhanced conductivity of imidazolium functionalized polysulfone hydroxide exchange membrane, J Dai, G He, X Ruan, W Zheng, Y Pan, X Yan, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41 (25), 10923-10934


[15] Imidazole functionalized graphene oxide/PEBAX mixed matrix membranes for efficient CO2 capture, Y Dai, X Ruan, Z Yan, K Yang, M Yu, H Li, W Zhao, G He, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 166, 171-180


[14] Pressure swing adsorption/membrane hybrid processes for hydrogen purification with a high recovery, B Li, G He, X Jiang, Y Dai, X Ruan, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2016, 10 (2), 255-264


[13] The control and optimization of macro/micro-structure of ion conductive membranes for energy conversion and storage, X Yan, W Zheng, X Ruan, Y Pan, X Wu, G He, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24 (5), 558-571


[12] Membrane assisted cooling crystallization: process model, nucleation, metastable zone, and crystal size distribution, X Jiang, D Lu, W Xiao, X Ruan, J Fang, G He, AIChE Journal 62, 2016, (3), 829-841


[11] Dual-membrane module and its optimal flow pattern for H2/CO2 Separation, B Chen, X Ruan, X Jiang, W Xiao, G He, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55 (4), 1064-1075


[10] Structural characteristics of hydrated protons in the conductive channels: effects of confinement and fluorination studied by molecular dynamics simulation, N Zhang, Y Song, X Ruan, X Yan, Z Liu, Z Shen, X Wu, G He, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18 (35), 24198-24209


[9] Bis-ammonium immobilized polystyrenes with co-catalyzing functional end groups as efficient and reusable heterogeneous catalysts for synthesis of cyclic carbonate from CO2 and epoxides, Q Deng, G He, Y Pan, X Ruan, W Zheng, X Yan, RSC Advances, 2016, 6 (3), 2217-2224


[8] High solvent resistance PTFPMS/PEI hollow fiber composite membrane for gas separation, Y Dai, X Ruan, F Bai, M Yu, H Li, Z Zhao, G He, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 360, 164-173


[7] Further separation of HFC-23 and HCFC-22 by coupling multi-stage PDMS membrane unit to cryogenic distillation, X Ruan, Y Dai, L Du, X Yan, G He, B Li, Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 156, 673-682


[6] A novel membrane distillation response technology for nucleation detection, metastable zone width measurement and analysis, X Jiang, X Ruan, W Xiao, D Lu, G He, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 134, 671-680


[5] Synergy of CO2 removal and light hydrocarbon recovery from oil-field associated gas by dual-membrane process, B Chen, X Ruan, W Xiao, X Jiang, G He, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 26, 1254-1263


[4] Particles deposition on microfiltration permeable boundary: modeling and simulation with two-ways coupling sphere model in a turbulent flow, WJ Zhang, XH Ruan, GH He, YL Ma, YF Liu, Engineering Computations, 2015, 32 (4), 1135-1152


[3] Quaternary phosphonium-functionalized poly (ether ether ketone) as highly conductive and alkali-stable hydroxide exchange membrane for fuel cells, X Yan, S Gu, G He, X Wu, W Zheng, X Ruan, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 466, 220-228


[2] Chemical potential analysis for directing the optimal design of gas membrane separation frameworks, X Ruan, G He, B Li, X Yan, Y Dai, Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 107, 245-255


[1] Cleaner recovery of tetrafluoroethylene by coupling residue-recycled polyimide membrane unit to distillation, X Ruan, G He, B Li, J Xiao, Y Dai, Separation and Purification Technology, 2014, 124, 89-98





[2] Separation and purification coupled process with high helium yield and diversified products, G He, M Guo, Y Dai, X Ruan, P Mi, X Yang, US Patent 11697092, July 2023


[1] Surface modification method based on polymerization and cross-linking solidification of dopamine and/or derivatives thereof, X Ruan, G He, X Liao, Y Xu, X Yan, Y Dai, N Zhang, US Patent 16323452, March 2020





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[59] 一种提高ZIFs纳米颗粒在非质子极性溶剂中分散稳定性的方法, ZL202210888522.4, 阮雪华刘鑫松刘奕舟郭雨馨贺高红王佳铭郑文姬姜晓滨肖武宋超


[58] 一种超高负载MOFs基混合基质膜的制备方法, ZL202210639797.4, 郑文姬李子恒贺高红阮雪华吴雪梅代岩焉晓明许晨轩王利宁陈垚朴美蕙


[57] 一种原位制碱高效脱除盐湖卤水中镁离子的双极膜系统, ZL202210229588.2, 阮雪华姜晓滨贺高红焉晓明陈婉婷吴雪梅代岩李甜甜于淼


[56] 一种降低丙烷积累的膜耦合聚丙烯尾气回收工艺, ZL202210167442.X, 贺高红周永哲阮雪华王佳铭肖红岩肖武姜晓滨代岩郑文姬


[55] 一种综合利用乙烯装置火炬气的膜耦合分离工艺, ZL202210115463.7, 贺高红阮雪华肖红岩王佳铭宋春晓霍文博肖武郑文姬姜晓滨焉晓明


[54] 一种MOFs与聚合物双连续的混合基质膜的制备方法, ZL202210003359.9, 郑文姬李子恒贺高红代岩阮雪华焉晓明李祥村


[53] 一种压缩冷凝、膜分离和吸附耦合的全浓度VOCs捕收系统及方法, ZL202111110056.9, 肖武程安迪年思宇贺高红崔启利陈先树孙晓辉陈宏宇阮雪华姜晓滨


[52] 一种高透气性有机-无机复合纤维气体分离膜的制备方法, ZL202111030820.1, 郑文姬刘震贺高红代岩阮雪华焉晓明


[51] 一种原位开环反应修饰双功能MOFs混合基质膜的制备方法, ZL202111031126.1, 贺高红王东悦郑文姬阮雪华代岩焉晓明


[50] 一种焦炉煤气膜分离、蒸汽重整、变压吸附联用制氢方法, ZL202110916307.6, 肖武韩晓艺程安迪阮雪华贺高红姜晓滨李祥村吴雪梅


[49] 一种低温强化渗透选择性的含氮天然气膜分离工艺, ZL202110619274.9, 阮雪华王佳铭贺高红宋春晓郭明钢肖武郑文姬焉晓明姜晓滨


[48] 一种与深冷空分装置耦合集成的压缩空气储能系统, ZL202110065527.2, 阮雪华宋春晓贺高红霍文博鲍军江肖武代岩郭明钢


[47] 一种综合利用富氦天然气液化尾气的多目标分离工艺, ZL202110505989.1, 阮雪华王佳铭贺高红李宇鹏肖武姜晓滨代岩焉晓明郑文姬


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[45] 亲油/亲水微孔膜协同耦合强化的油水分离工艺, ZL202011630665.2, 阮雪华马杨贺高红王佳铭姜晓滨代岩郑文姬焉晓明


[44] 一种促进非质子极性溶剂中ZIF-8合成的方法, ZL201911337493.7, 贺高红杨旭茂阮雪华王佳铭郑文姬代岩焉晓明


[43] 一种用于气体分离的体型缩聚咪唑类聚合物混合基质膜及其制备方法, ZL 202011198997.8, 代岩方龙龙郑文姬贺高红阮雪华焉晓明李祥村


[42] 一种侧基修饰无氧型聚合物阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201811007760.X, 焉晓明苏祥东贺高红张文君阮雪华代岩


[41] 一种静电纺丝纳米纤维气体分离膜的制备方法, ZL202011243605.5, 郑文姬孙天奇贺高红焉晓明代岩阮雪华


[40] 一种多官能化交联型聚亚芳基丁二酮阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201910576893.7, 焉晓明马思瑜贺高红代岩郑文姬阮雪华高莉胡磊朱奔


[39] 一种多羟基功能化聚苯并咪唑离子交换膜及制备方法, ZL201910368109.3, 焉晓明胡磊贺高红代岩郑文姬阮雪华吴雪梅


[38] 一种叔胺基两性离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201810675369.0, 焉晓明张华清贺高红郑文姬代岩阮雪华


[37] 一种支化型聚醚醚酮阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201810576915.5, 焉晓明王凯锋贺高红吴奇阮雪华代岩郑文姬


[36] 一种三甲胺功能化聚芳基吲哚阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201810774774.8, 焉晓明王凯锋贺高红代岩郑文姬阮雪华潘昱


[35] 一种综合利用醚后碳四的甲基叔丁基醚生产工艺, ZL201910956607.X, 阮雪华李海龙贺高红汤蒙陈艺飞代岩肖武郭明钢


[34] 一种疏水侧链修饰烷基磺化聚苯并咪唑两性膜及其制备方法, ZL201810715842.3, 焉晓明董子伟贺高红许坤阮雪华代岩郑文姬


[33] 不含芳基醚键的聚芳哌啶类两性离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201810634860.9, 焉晓明张华清贺高红胡钟月代岩郑文姬阮雪华


[32] 一种多胺功能化聚苯并咪唑交联膜及制备方法, ZL201810783483.5, 焉晓明胡磊贺高红阮雪华郑文姬代岩


[31] 一种煤制氢中氢气提纯与蜡油加氢耦合的系统, ZL201810866485.0, 肖武黄伟荣姜晓滨阮雪华贺高红李祥村吴雪梅


[30] 一种接枝型聚离子液体聚酰亚胺膜及其制备方法, 201810957039.0, 焉晓明高毅超贺高红阮雪华代岩郑文姬潘昱


[29] 一种不含醚氧键型聚合物阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201811007812.3, 焉晓明苏祥东贺高红张文君阮雪华代岩


[28] 一种富乙烯裂解干气分级用于乙苯生产装置的分离工艺, ZL201910322137.1, 阮雪华贺高红肖武姜晓滨焉晓明代岩郭明钢肖红岩


[27] STAR丙烷脱氢的氢气分离膜内嵌改进的深冷液化系统, ZL201910284132.4, 阮雪华贺高红肖红岩姜晓滨肖武焉晓明代岩张宁


[26] 一种非离子型侧链修饰聚苯并咪唑膜及其制备方法, ZL201810714905.3, 焉晓明董子伟贺高红阮雪华代岩郑文姬


[25] 一种深冷与膜耦合的乙烯循环制冷系统不凝排放气分离回收工艺, ZL201910247722.X, 贺高红杨晓航阮雪华代岩郭明钢肖红岩


[24] 一种酮与羧酸在电化学氢泵反应器中一步加氢酯化的方法, ZL201810375920.X, 吴雪梅贺高红宋雪黄诗琪肖武阮雪华郑文姬范姝艾王云晴孙嵩岚于喆淼


[23] 一种多支链聚芳醚酮阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201710635250.6, 焉晓明刘嘉霏贺高红阮雪华郑文姬代岩


[22] 一种哌嗪功能化聚苯醚碱性阴离子交换膜及其制备方法, ZL201710466664.0, 焉晓明高莉贺高红阮雪华郑文姬代岩吴雪梅


[21] 一种多巴胺及其衍生物聚合并交联固化的表面改性方法, ZL201611178888.3, 阮雪华廖绪行贺高红徐燕焉晓明代岩张宁


[20] 一种长支链聚苯醚阴离子膜及其制备方法, ZL201610572946.4, 焉晓明高莉贺高红阮雪华郑文姬潘昱


[19] 一种梯级利用烟气余热的二氧化碳捕集液化工艺, ZL201610408748.4, 阮雪华辛月贺高红肖武代岩焉晓明张宁


[18] 一种半柔性聚醚砜/酮阴离子交换膜的制备方法, ZL201610032430.0, 焉晓明赵宝林贺高红郑文姬阮雪华代岩潘昱


[17] 负载型双季铵盐催化剂及其制备方法和环状碳酸酯的制备方法, ZL201510916235.X, 焉晓明邓庆元贺高红潘昱郑文姬阮雪华


[16] 一种负载型季鏻盐催化剂制备环状碳酸酯的方法, ZL201510442688.3, 焉晓明邓庆元贺高红潘昱郑文姬阮雪华


[15] 膜分离富氧空气强化二段转化炉的布朗合成氨造气工艺, ZL201510250412.5, 阮雪华朱婷婷贺高红焉晓明李保军郑文姬张宁


[14] 一种绿色环保的沼气资源多元化利用工艺, ZL201510252998.9, 阮雪华郭明钢贺高红代岩焉晓明李保军杨招艺


[13] 回收乙烯压缩制冷系统开车尾气的分离工艺, ZL201510250147.0, 阮雪华林雪贺高红代岩张宁焉晓明郑文姬


[12] 一种长支链聚砜阴离子膜及其制备方法, ZL201510213184.4, 焉晓明胡玉涛贺高红阮雪华郑文姬曾薇潘昱


[11] 一种使用膜分离与变压吸附联合处理炼厂气的方法和系统, ZL201410851664.9, 贺高红陈博阮雪华肖武姜晓滨李保军


[10] 一种提高油田伴生气分离效率并回收二氧化碳的方法, ZL201410526096.5, 贺高红陈博阮雪华肖武


[9] 脱除乙苯脱氢尾气中苯乙烯及回收氢气的方法, ZL201410151133.9, 阮雪华贺高红李保军肖武陈博代岩


[8] 高通量二氧化碳分离纤维素醚类衍生物复合膜及其制备方法, ZL201310711557.1, 阮雪华贺高红姚从春代岩焉晓明李保军


[7] 一种减少丁基橡胶生产过程中氯甲烷物耗的方法, ZL201210411264.7, 任纪文贺高红李保军邱正茂阮雪华陈博宋亮


[6] 含氟聚硅氧烷橡胶态复合气体分离膜、制备方法及其应用, ZL201110218649.7, 聂飞贺高红李保军阮雪华代岩


[5] 一种含轻烃石油化工气体的处理方法, ZL201110095620.4, 屠伟龙阮雪华贺高红胡江青杨云峰刘红晶高翔宇


[4] 一种提高浅冷回收油田伴生气轻烃效率的方法, ZL201010591309.4, 贺高红于长福李保军阮雪华朱向阳吴雪梅


[3] 一种高纯度、高回收率提纯焦炉煤气中氢气的方法, ZL201010203034.2, 贺高红朱向阳王世安李保军阮雪华吴雪梅何振段振红


[2] 炼厂气集中梯级回收方法, ZL200910011802.1, 贺高红李保军阮雪华苏学锋聂飞范瑛琦


[1] 合成弛放气中氢气及一氧化碳综合回收的分离方法, ZL200910011406.9, 范瑛琦贺高红阮雪华李保军