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Paper Publications
2023-11-16 Hits:Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-29
Journal:光电子 激光
Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院
Page Number:959-963
ISSN No.:1005-0086
Abstract:This paper first introduces the Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER)
detector,which is affine invariant.According to disjoint-set forests
data structure and union-find,the extremal regions are
extracted.And,combing the component tree and maximally stable extremal
condition,the MSERs are obtained.Then the SIFT descriptors,which are
used as local feature at low level,are produced in the MSER and then
clustered into the visual "words".By using standard weighting,the query
region is selected by the rectangle in the retrieval image.Based on the
similarity of database images and the query regions,the image retrieval
results are ranked.With spatial consistency measurement rule of regions
matching method of search unit,the image retrieval results are
obtained.The experiment shows these distinctive feature regions are
invariant to the change in scale,rotation,translation and viewpoint,and
the retrieval mechanism also improves the performance and reliability of
image retrieve system greatly.
Date of Publication:2022-06-29
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