SUN Peng

Senior Engineer  

Main positions:Director of Innovation Laboratory for Undergraduate

Other Post:新技术实验室主任,创新实验室主任(兼)


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology

Degree:Master's Degree

School/Department:National Electrical and Electronics & Virtual Simulation Experimental Centre

Discipline:Detection Technology and Automation Device. Communication and Information Systems

Business Address:Room 521, No.1 Comprehensive Teaching Building, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China 116024

Contact Information:+86-411-84708788,+8613795147561

Research Projects

基于TI Energia的嵌入式教学平台开发


Leading Scientist:SUN Peng

Supported by:其他


Supported by:德州仪器半导体技术(上海)有限公司

Nature of Project:横向

Date of Project Approval:2017-08-30

Scheduled completion time:2018-12-30

Date of Project Initiation:2017-08-30

Date of Project Completion:2020-06-30

Pre One:机器人操作系统在TI处理器上的应用探讨

Next One:新工科背景下实践教学改革与实践


I graduated from Dalian University of Technology. Now I am a professor at Dalian University of Technology.