SUN Peng

Senior Engineer  

Main positions:Director of Innovation Laboratory for Undergraduate

Other Post:新技术实验室主任,创新实验室主任(兼)


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology

Degree:Master's Degree

School/Department:National Electrical and Electronics & Virtual Simulation Experimental Centre

Discipline:Detection Technology and Automation Device. Communication and Information Systems

Business Address:Room 521, No.1 Comprehensive Teaching Building, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China 116024

Contact Information:+86-411-84708788,+8613795147561

Paper Publications



Date of Publication:2022-10-09



Page Number:91-93

ISSN No.:1003-0492

Abstract:In order to satisfy the modern cold chain storage and transportation of goods in the thermal management requirements, the paper describes the full temperature records, storage and transportation of goods using semi-active RFID temperature tags to achieve traceability of goods transport temperature;use of active RFID the temperature labels to achieve real-time monitoring of the temperature of goods in the vehicle during transport to reduce the loss of goods due to the temperature factor.


Pre One:适用于实验教学的便携式虚拟示波器开发与应用

Next One:场效应管驱动负载电路在实践教学中的应用实践


I graduated from Dalian University of Technology. Now I am a professor at Dalian University of Technology.