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Microscopic analytical and numerical investigation of orthogonal cutting CFRP


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2017-08-20


Abstract:Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is non-homogeneous and anisotropic, which results in that the machining process of CFRP is quite different with that of metal. In fact, the machining of CFRP includes the damage of fiber fracture, matrix fracture and debonding between the fibers and matrix. The three kinds of damage lead to complex stress evolution patterns and material removal mechanisms. It has been observed that the constraint effects of the surrounding composite on the fiber to be cut have quite significant influences on the fracture of the fibers and interface damage. In this paper, in order to consider the normal and transverse constraint effects on the fracture of fibers, the elastic foundation beam theory is applied to establish a micro-mechanical model with explicitly modelling the carbon fiber, matrix and the interface. The quasi-static solution of cutting fiber is obtained analytically from the present micro-mechanical model. As a comparison, a micro-mechanical finite element model considering the fiber, matrix and interface is established and solved to reveal the dynamic process of cutting CFRP. The fiber phase, matrix phase, interfacial phase and equivalent homogeneous phase are explicitly established with their respective constitutive relation, as well as the initiation and evolution criteria in the finite element model. The theoretical model for the quasi-static case and finite element simulation for the dynamic case are compared to investigate the normal and transverse supporting effects on the material removal and interface debonding. Particularly, the geometry of the cutting tool such as the tool edge radii on the fracture mode of fibers and the effects of depths of cut are studied based on the finite element model. © 2017 International Committee on Composite Materials. All rights reserved.

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