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Date of Publication:2016-01-01



Page Number:72-78

ISSN No.:0577-6686

Abstract:Being the subject of wind-tunnel testing, flutter model is an important part of modern aircraft designing. Widely acknowledged as one kind of advancing flutter model, composites structural-similar flutter model(ComSFM ) provides similar structural design to the original aircraft structure design. ComSFM are designed to be produced with high-precision of flutter feature. Functional parameters with high-precision could not be provided by applying the manufacturing method of traditional types of flutter model, while the manufacturing method of enhancing the strength or stiffness of composites structure could not be used in this situation, so the need of new type of manufacturing method of ComSFM is urgent. In this article, a brief introduction of flutter model designing and manufacturing is made. In purpose of solving the manufacturing problem of ComSFM, a precise manufacturing method of functional feature with high-precision is provided. And by using this method, several types of flutter model are manufactured. The manufacturing method is proved to be valid in flutter model manufacturing practices.


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