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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-29


Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院


Page Number:206-212

ISSN No.:0577-6686

Abstract:The mechanical property of composites presents anisotropy, the low thermal conductivity of resin, and low interlaminar toughness. So the process of secondary machining composites could lead to defects like burrs and delamination, especially in drilling. The chopped fibers reinforcement technology is employed to prevent the delamination of composites in drilling process. Aramid fibers are selected to manufacture low-density thin film. The composite laminates with and without chopped fibers reinforcement are manufactured by low pressure contact forming process. And the experiments are also performed to investigate the machining surface quality. The preventing effects of increasing spindle speed and chopped fibers on the defects of composites in drilling are validated by infrared nondestructive testing and microscope observation. The reinforced mechanism is the extra energy dissipation caused by the complex failure process between chopped fibers and matrix. The influence of chopped fiber parameters on the energy dissipation is also discussed. The study on interfacial reinforcement of composite laminates is a worth project for high quality drilling.


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