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Date of Publication:2015-01-01


Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院



Page Number:32-34

ISSN No.:1004-2474

Abstract:Based on the analogy analysis between the constitutive equation of converse piezoelectric effect and thermo-elastic effect, an actuation voltage has analogy to a thermal load, and piezoelectric strain coefficient has analogy to orthotropic thermal expansion coefficient. Then, the thermo-elastic finite element method can be employed to analyze the static displacement of the inter-digital electrodes of the piezo-actuator. A correction coefficient is introduced to modify the non-uniformity and nonlinearity caused by local electric field of the inter-digital electrodes. The numerical and experimental examples confirm that piezoelectric-thermal analogy approach is valid and simple. ?, 2015, Yadian Yu Shengguang/Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics. All right reserved.


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