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Buckling optimization of variable-stiffness composite panels based on flow field function


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-12-01


Included Journals:Scopus、SCIE、EI


Page Number:240-255

ISSN No.:0263-8223

Key Words:Variable-stiffness panels; Cutout; Buckling; Fiber path; Optimization; Flow field function

Abstract:Due to the non-uniform in-plane stress distribution, variable-stiffness panel with curvilinear fiber paths is a promising structural concept for cutout reinforcement of composite structures under axial compression, due to the more diverse tailorability opportunities than simply choosing the best straight stacking sequence. However, traditional representation methods of curvilinear fiber path are usually not flexible for cutout reinforcement. In this study, the flow field function containing a uniform field and several vortex fields is utilized to represent the fiber path due to its inherent non-intersect and orthotropic features, and a bi-level optimization framework of variable-stiffness panels considering manufacturing constraints is then proposed. A typical rectangular composite panel with multiple cutouts is established to demonstrate the advantage of proposed framework by comparison with other fiber path functions. Results indicate that the flow fiber path only needs few variables to finely represent the fiber path, which can provide satisfying and manufacturable fiber paths by combination use of curvature constraint. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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