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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 本科教学管理办公室主任
学科:软件工程. 计算机系统结构
- [21]王洁, Leng, Wei.Accelerating Face Detection Algorithm on the FPGA Using SDAccel[A],QUALITY, RELIABILITY, SECURITY AND ROBUSTNESS IN HETEROGENEOUS SYSTEMS,2022,300:154-165
- [22]王洁, Deng, Shuangmin, Kang, Junjie, 侯刚.FTEI: A Fault Tolerance Model of FPGA with Endogenous Immunity[A],Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST,2022,356 LNICST:544-557
- [23]王洁, 冯斌, Liu, Jiwei, 侯刚.The Dynamic Evaluation Strategy for Evolvable Hardware[A],Ninth International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology,2022,91-95
- [24]侯刚, 周宽久, Wu, Yanran, 迟宗正, 王洁, 李明楚.ETSTM: A New Green Software Model[A],15th IEEE Int Conf on Trust, Security and Privacy in Comp and Commun / 10th IEEE Int Conf on Big Data Science and Engineering / 14th IEEE Int Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Proc with Applicat (IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA),2022,1825-1830
- [25]王洁, Liu, Jiwei.Fault-Tolerant Strategy for Real-Time System Based on Evolvable Hardware[J],JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS,2022,26(7)
- [26]王洁, Liu J.-W., 侯广峰, 周宽久.FPGA-based virtual validation framework on chip[J],东北大学学报 自然科学版,2022,35:135-139
- [27]Liu, Xiaoqing, Wu, Jun, Gu, Feiyang, 王洁, 何增有.Discriminative pattern mining and its applications in bioinformatics[J],BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS,2022,16(5):884-900
- [28]侯广峰, 周宽久, 王洁, 常九文, 李明楚.Modeling and analysis for interrupt behaviors of embedded systems based on EDSPN[J],东北大学学报 自然科学版,2022,35:201-206
- [29]王洁, Chen, Weihao.MRI Image Segmentation Based on a GPU Shortest Path Algorithm[A],2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Cognitive Informatics (ICICCI),2022,1-4
- [30]王洁, Yu Y., Cui H., Yang S..MRCUDA: MapReduce acceleration framework based on GPU[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2022,11(7):2615-2622
- [31]王洁, Hang, Siguang, Liu, Jiwei, Chen, Weihao, 侯刚.Multi-level Scheduling Algorithm Based on Storm[J],KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,2022,10(3):1091-1110
- [32]王洁, Chen W., 侯广峰.Parallel computing method for HRV time-domain based on GPU[A],15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2015,2022,9529:434-443
- [33]王洁, 周宽久, 李明楚.Programmable scheduling based on multi-core processor[J],Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2022,8(5):408-417
- [34]王洁, Liu, Jiwei, 侯刚, Yu, Yanshuo, 周宽久.Quality evaluation method of undergraduate thesis references based on Hadoop[J],International Journal of Database Theory and Application,2022,7(4):227-236
- [35]王洁, Kang, Junjie, 侯刚.Real-Time System Fault-Tolerant Scheme Based on Improved Chaotic Genetic Algorithm[A],WIRELESS AND SATELLITE SYSTEMS, PT II,2022,281:145-156
- [36]周宽久, Wang X., 侯广峰, 王洁, Ai S..Software reliability test based on markov usage model[J],软件学报,2022,7(9):2061-2068
- [37]Wang X.-L., 周宽久, 侯广峰, Yong J.-W., 王洁.Software verification acceleration by integrating theorem proving and model checking[J],东北大学学报 自然科学版,2022,35:13-18
- [38]王洁, 周宽久.基于FPGA的嵌入式SoC课程群公共实验教学平台[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2022,35(z2):73-75
- [39]李显杰, 周宽久, 王洁, 崔凯, 苏翰.WCSD动态检测方法[J],计算机工程与设计,2012,7:2607-2614
- [40]于维扬, 周宽久, 王洁, 侯刚.一种基于FPGA的高性能多模式匹配算法[A],2014年全国计算机体系结构学术年会,2014