Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2010-10-01
Journal:ICIC Express Letters
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:1425-1430
ISSN No.:1881803X
Abstract:As the rapid development of information technology (IT) and widely application in the firm, how to improve the performance by IT investment has been a hot research question. Based on the perspective of resource-based view and resources-capability-performance research framework, the IT capability model was proposed to study the influence of IT investment, complementary human resources and complementary business resources to IT infrastructure capability, IT human resource capability and IT-enabled intangible capability. Structural equation modelling is used to analyze the data of 152 domestic firms, results show that the complementary business resources make a positive contribution to IT infrastructure capability, while complementary human resources have a strong positive relationship with IT human resource capability, they are both key factors to the formation of IT capability. ICIC International ? 2010 ISSN.