Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2010-04-01
Journal:ICIC Express Letters
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:407-412
Abstract:An estimation method is put forward in this paper for two controlparameters, close level and belief limit , in the decision modelbased on least point's principle, with an emphasis on effectively controllingthe reduction degree of a decision set in a decision process to make finaldecision results more reasonable and valid. By introducing expected support anddecision matrix, respectively, we present an interval estimate of the twoparameters, and further propose a point estimate on the basis of plausibilitydegree of basic elements and BPA distribution of focal elements. Finally, a realsystem example is employed to examine the controlling function of the towparameters and the validity of the decision results by the presented approachexperimentally, which also helps us to have an insight into the essential natureof the decision model based on least point's principle. ICIC International ? 2010.