Doctoral Degree
Business Address:大连理工大学西校区化工实验楼D段313室
Date of Publication:2015-01-01
Page Number:820-824
ISSN No.:0253-231X
Abstract:Droplet could be swept by steam flow during dropwise condensation.
Droplet morphology could be deformed and could move on the solid surface
overcoming the adhesion work of solid under the steam shearing effect.
Steam condensation heat transfer performance becomes high when the steam
velocity increases. However, the detailed information of the droplet
deformation and motion under steam shearing effect has not been clear.
The influence mechanism of steam velocity on droplet deformation and
motion has not been completed. Therefore, in this paper, droplet
deformation and motion on solid surface with various wettability
properties under different steam velocities applying free energy lattice
Boltzmann method. The influence mechanism of steam velocity and contact
angle on droplet deformation and motion is analyzed. Indicating that
droplet deformation and motion velocity increase with the increase of
steam velocity and contact angle. The residence time of droplet is
shortened and the surface renewal frequency is ascended. As a result,
the physical mechanism of steam velocity on dropwise condensation heat
transfer is displayed qualitatively and semi-quantitatively.