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教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师

性别: 女

毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 水利工程系

学科: 港口、海岸及近海工程

办公地点: 综合实验3#楼407室

联系方式: 0411-84707174

电子邮箱: wangwenyuan@dlut.edu.cn



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当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2022-06-29

发表刊物: 大连海事大学学报

期号: 1

页面范围: 91-100

ISSN号: 1006-7736

摘要: In order to solve the problem of insufficient consideration of process mechanism and temporal dynamic in the study of port ecological carrying capacity,a comprehensive evaluation method of ecological carrying capacity was proposed,and the dynamic evaluation and prediction of evolutionary trend on port ecological capacity was realized.Firstly,a system dynamics model for port ecological carrying capacity was built from the aspects of social economy,resources and environment by using the theory of system dynamics.Secondly,the comprehensive evaluation index system of port ecological carrying capacity was proposed by introducing the comprehensive evaluation method of ecological carrying capacity,and a multiple evaluation model for port ecological carrying capacity was set up.On this basis,taking a port in northern China as an example,the status analysis and parameter sensitivity analysis of ecological carrying states were conducted to identify the key impacting factors by using the multiple evaluation model.Then,the natural development plan and the comprehensive control plan were set up to simulate and evaluate dynamically the evolution trend of port ecological carrying states from 2015 to 2030.Results indicate that the comprehensive control plan can effectively solve the ecological overload problem in the port area and improve significantly the level of port ecological carrying states.The result can provide a theoretical basis for ecological port construction and restoration.

备注: 新增回溯数据

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