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学科:通信与信息系统. 信号与信息处理
- [21]Yang, Jia-Xing, 龚晓峰, 李慧, Xu, You-Gen, Liu, Zhi-Wen.Using Coupled Multilinear Rank-(L, L, 1) Block Term Decomposition in Multi-Static-Multi-Pulse M...[A],ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2019, PT II,2022,11555:565-574
- [22]Yu, Gui-Chen, 龚晓峰, Jiang, Jia-Cheng, Liu, Zhi-Wen, Xu, You-Gen.Wideband Direction Finding via Spatial Decimation and Coupled Canonical Polyadic Decomposition[A],ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2019, PT II,2022,11555:585-594
- [23]张琇, 刘柱, 徐瑛, 龚晓峰.Adaptive fourth-order tensor beamformer[A],2011 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, iCAST 2011,2022,481-484
- [24]Kuang, Li-Dan, 林秋华, 龚晓峰, 丛丰裕, Calhoun, Vince D..Adaptive independent vector analysis for multi-subject complex-valued fMRI data[J],JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS,2022,281:49-63
- [25]龚晓峰, Mao, Lei, Liu, Ying-Liang, 林秋华.A Jacobi Generalized Orthogonal Joint Diagonalization Algorithm for Joint Blind Source Separati...[J],IEEE Access,2022,6:38464-38474
- [26]Ji, Meijiao, 龚晓峰, 林秋华.A Multi-set Approach for Direction Finding Based on Spatially Displaced Electromagnetic Vector-...[A],12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD),2022,1824-1828
- [27]Ji M., 龚晓峰, 林秋华.A multi-set approach for direction finding based on spatially displaced electromagnetic vector-se...[A],12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2015,2022,1824-1828
- [28]Kuang, Li-Dan, 林秋华, 龚晓峰, 丛丰裕, Calhoun, Vince D..AN ADAPTIVE FIXED-POINT IVA ALGORITHM APPLIED TO MULTI-SUBJECT COMPLEX-VALUED FMRI DATA[A],IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,2022,2016-May:714-718
- [29]Yang, Jia-Xing, 龚晓峰, Yu, Gui-Chen.An Algebraic Algorithm for Joint Independent Subspace Analysis[A],ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2019, PT I,2022,11554:399-408
- [30]Guo T., 林秋华, 龚晓峰.An improved BLUES with adaptive threshold of condition number for separating underdetermined spee...[A],2012 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2012,2022,694-698
- [31]Lin J.-G., 林秋华, 龚晓峰.A semi-blind negentropy maximization algorithm for enhancing a specific speech[A],2011 7th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2011,2022,1:401-405
- [32]Wang, Xiu-Lin, 龚晓峰, 林秋华.A Study on Parallelization of Successive Rotation Based Joint Diagonalization[A],19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP),2022,2014-January:807-811
- [33]Gou, Xiaoming, Liu, Zhiwen, Xu, Yougen, 龚晓峰.Biquaternion Capon beamformer using four-component vector-sensor arrays[J],International Journal of Sensor Networks,2022,19(3-4,SI):171-180
- [34]Yang, Jin-Wei, 龚晓峰, Wang, Lu-Ming, 林秋华.Canonical Polyadic Decomposition with Constant Modulus Constraint: Application to Polarization ...[A],ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2019, PT II,2022,11555:575-584
- [35]Gou X., 徐瑛, 刘柱, 龚晓峰.Capon beamformer for acoustic vector sensor arrays using biquaternions[A],2011 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, iCAST 2011,2022,28-31
- [36]龚晓峰, Wang, Cheng-Yuan, Hao, Ya-Na, 林秋华.COMBINED INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND CANONICAL POLYADIC DECOMPOSITION VIA JOINT DIAGONAL...[A],2nd IEEE China Summit / International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IEEE ChinaSIP),2022,804-808
- [37]龚晓峰, Liu, Zhi-Wen, Xu, You-Gen.Coherent Source Localization: Bicomplex Polarimetric Smoothing with Electromagnetic Vector-Sens...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS,2022,47(3):2268-2285
- [38]Qiu, Yue, 林秋华, Kuang, Li-Dan, 赵文达, 龚晓峰, 丛丰裕, Calhoun, Vince D..Classification of Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls Using ICA of Complex-Valued fMRI ...[A],ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2019, PT II,2022,11555:540-547
- [39]林秋华, 龚晓峰.Constrained complex-valued ICA without permutation ambiguity based on negentropy maximization[A],The 9th International Symposium on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA 2010),2022,271-278
- [40]Wang K., 龚晓峰, 林秋华.Complex non-orthogonal joint diagonalization based on LU and LQ decompositions[A],10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, LVA/ICA 2012,2022,7191 LNCS:50-57