教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 化工学院
学科: 应用化学. 精细化工. 生物化工
办公地点: 西校区E-204
联系方式: xiaoyi@dlut.edu.cn 0411-84986251
电子邮箱: xiaoyi@dlut.edu.cn
开通时间: ..
最后更新时间: ..
论文类型: 期刊论文
发表时间: 2009-03-01
收录刊物: SCIE、EI、Scopus
卷号: 44
期号: 5
页面范围: 1283-1286
ISSN号: 0022-2461
摘要: The photovoltaic properties of solar cells were investigated via spin coating the poly (2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) (MEH-PPV) and a newly synthesized n-type difluoro [2-(2-pyridinyl)-1H-indene-1,3(2H)-dionato-N2, O1]-(T-4)-boron (PIDB) with lower LUMO level as active layers. The active layers were characterized in solid state by means of absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra with three mixtures ratios in weight. Compared to the pure MEH-PPV, the results showed the blend of MEH-PPV and PIDB enhanced the light intensity as well as broadened the wavelength range of absorption; the intensities of PL spectra of the blends are quenched and confirmed the electron transferred from the photoexcited MEH-PPV backbone to PIDB. Much higher power conversation efficiency was achieved when their mixtures were with a ration of 1:1 by weight. The improved performance of device is attributed to the reduction of contact resistance, which derived from the impedance analysis.