Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2017-12-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:1000-1005
ISSN No.:1750-0443
Abstract:Water wettability patterns on superhydrophobic surfaces have been widely designed to meet requirements of many fields, such as lab-on-a-chip devices and bioengineering. However, these systems are easily invalidated by oily liquids. Therefore, oil wettability patterns, which have rarely been focused on, are urgently needed. In this work, the authors successfully control oil wettability of superoleophobic surface by an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma jet. The results indicate that oil wettability is strongly influenced by treatment time, applied voltage and distance between plasma jet outlet and samples. They find that superoleophobic surfaces can be modified to be superoleophilic within 15 s, and that small holes can be etched on the surfaces under high applied voltages. Then, superoleophobic-superoleophilic patterns are prepared via selective plasma jet irradiation on superoleophobic surfaces, and both directional and antigravity transport of water and oily liquids are thus realised without external electrical or magnetic field. Additionally, ageing experiments show that the plasma-treated areas can maintain the induced wettability for >30 days storing under normal ambients, demonstrating superior time stability. The results presented here show the potential of atmospheric pressure DBD plasma jet for rapid oil wettability control and fabrication of long-time-effective oil wettability patterns.
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:创新创业学院院长
Date of Birth:1981-12-01
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation. Materials Surface Engineering. Plasma physics. Biomedical Engineering
Business Address:机械新大楼
Contact Information:0411-84706959
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