Xin Liu
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Paper Publications
Hydrophilic patterning of superhydrophobic surfaces by atmospheric-pressure plasma jet

Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2021-01-10




Page Number:105-108

ISSN No.:1750-0443

Key Words:hydrophilicity; hydrophobicity; plasma jets; wetting; contact angle; surface morphology; X-ray photoelectron spectra; scanning electron microscopy; Fourier transform spectra; infrared spectra; hydrophilic patterning; superhydrophobic surfaces; atmospheric-pressure plasma jet; surface morphologies; wettability; scanning electron microscopy; Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometry; chemical compositions; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; water contact angle measurement; microsurface

Abstract:An atmospheric-pressure plasma jet (APPJ) has been developed to fabricate hydrophilic patterns on superhydrophobic surfaces. The surface morphologies, chemical compositions and wettability were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and water contact angle measurement. The results show that the superhydrophobic areas exposed to the APPJ could be completely converted to superhydrophilic without changing the macro and microsurface morphologies. The transition from superhydrophobicity to superhydrophilicity is because of the decrease of hydrophobic fluorine-containing functional groups and the increase of the hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups. Combined with scanning and mask technology, complex and large-area wettability contrast patterns can be easily fabricated on various superhydrophobic substrates by the APPJ treatment. Additionally, the retention of intrinsic microstructures enables the surface to recover superhydrophobicity only by using surface fluorination. This results in a rapid reversible transition between superhydrophilicity and superhydrophobicity.

Personal information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:创新创业学院院长


Date of Birth:1981-12-01

Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation. Materials Surface Engineering. Plasma physics. Biomedical Engineering

Business Address:机械新大楼

Contact Information:0411-84706959


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