Date of Publication: 2014-01-01
Journal: 兵工学报
Affiliation of Author(s): 机械工程学院
Document Type: J
Issue: 7
Page Number: 1097-1102
ISSN No.: 1000-1093
Abstract: Plasma processing technology has been concerned in the forming and preparation of various difficult machining materials. The temperature of plasma arc is the decisive factor of influencing processing quality. The most existing studies on temperature characteristic were completed under the assumptions of arc radial symmetry. In order to solve this problem, a three-dimensional temperature reconstruction method for asymmetric plasma arc based on gray value is presented. A three-dimensional model of asymmetric plasma arc appearance which has correlation with temperature field is established based on gray value. A blackbody furnace is used to calibrate the formula of colorimetric temperature measurement. The correspondence between gray value and temperature in the image of plasma arc is obtained by colorimetric temperature measurement. Finally, the temperature value is introduced into the appearance model to accomplish the three-dimensional reconstruction for the temperature field of asymmetric plasma arc. The results show that the method can descride the temperature distribution of the plasma arc and achieve the non-contact measurement of temperature field of asymmetric plasma arc.
Note: 新增回溯数据
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