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Paper Publications
Xue Yu, John Zhai.Identify Multiple Outdoor Airborne Contaminant Sources with mobile sensors: Unsteady Releasing[A],Indoor Air 2018,2022
Xue Yu, John Zhai.Identification of Multiple Outdoor Airborne Pollutant Sources: Unsteady Releasing[A],COBEE 2018,2022
Xue Yu, Zhai, Zhiqiang John.Identification of multiple outdoor contaminant sources with monitoring station data[A],18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2017,2022,2017-October:754-758
Xue Yu, liuwei.Inverse design of built environment by a fast fluid dynamics-based genetic algorithm[A],Building Simulation Conference Proceedings,2022,4:2880-2885
Xue Yu, John Zhai.Inverse identification of multiple outdoor pollutant sources with a mobile sensor[J],Building Simulation,2022,2017(10):255-263
Wei, Yun, liuwei, Xue Yu, John Zhai, Chen, Qingyan, Zhang Tim.Integrated inverse design of ventilation for an aircraft cabin[A],SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT (EENVIRO 2018),2022,85
Xue Yu, wangyi, Peng, Haiying, Wang, Haidong, Shen, Jin.The impact of building configurations and anthropogenic heat on daily urban air temperature cycles[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2022,169
Xue Yu, 段伟文.人工智能的伦理建构[J],理论探索,2022,6:43-49
雷蕾, 王宁, 陈威, Xue Yu.人工环境固体壁面对流热量的逆向建模[J],科学技术与工程,2022,19(14):329-335
Lei, Lei, chenwei, Xue Yu, liuwei.A comprehensive evaluation method for indoor air quality of buildings based on rough sets and a wavelet neural network[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2022,162
Lei, Lei, Xue Yu, zhengwenheng, Yang, Jianbo.An inverse method based on CFD to determine the temporal release rate of a heat source in indoor environments[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2022,134:12-19
Xue Yu, Thomas, Diego, Rayar, Frederic, Uchiyama, Hideaki, Taniguchi, Rin-ichiro, yinbaocai.Blended-Keyframes for Mobile Mediated Reality Applications[A],ADJUNCT PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MIXED AND AUGMENTED REALITY (ISMAR-ADJUNCT 2019),2022,211-216
Sue, wangyi, John, Xue Yu, Margaret.Characteristics of wind flow around a target building with different surrounding building layers predicted by CFD simulation[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2022,201
wangyi, Li, Yuguo, Xue Yu, Martilli, Alberto, Shen, Jin, Chan, Pak Wai.City-scale morphological influence on diurnal urban air temperature[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2022,169
Kamal, Rasool, Huang, Qitian, Li Qiang, Chu, Yadong, Xue Yu, Limtong, Savitree, Xue Song, Zhao, Zongbao K..Conversion of Arthrospira platensis Biomass into Microbial Lipids by the Oleaginous Yeast Cryptococcus curvatus[J],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2022,9(33):11011-11021
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