性别: 男
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 计算机科学与技术学院
学科: 计算机应用技术
办公地点: 创新园大厦D0103房间
联系方式: QQ:2407849530
电子邮箱: xukan@dlut.edu.cn
qq : 2407849530
开通时间: ..
最后更新时间: ..
论文类型: 会议论文
发表时间: 2011-01-01
收录刊物: Scopus
页面范围: 2057-2060
摘要: Learning to rank algorithms are usually grouped into three types: the point wise approach, the pairwise approach, and the listwise approach, according to the input spaces. Much of the prior work is based on the three approaches to learn the ranking model to predict the relevance of a document to a query. In this paper, we focus on the problem of constructing new input space based on groups of documents with the same relevance judgment. A novel approach is proposed based on cross entropy to improve the existing ranking method. The experimental results show that our approach leads to significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness. ? 2011 ACM.