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学科:行政管理. 科学学与科技管理
当前位置: 王贤文-大连理工大学 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果- [81]胡志刚, 王贤文.An EU without the UK: research collaborations between the UK and the EU27[J],Proceedings of the 22ST International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, STI 2017,2017
- [82]张春博, 丁堃, 王贤文, 刘则渊.使用SSCI测度中国社会科学国际产出的问题探讨[J],情报资料工作,2017,3:26-32
- [83]王贤文, 王虹茵, 李清纯.基于地理位置大数据的京津冀城市群短期人口流动研究[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2017,2:105-113
- [84]王贤文.Social Media Attention Increases Article Visits: An Investigation on Article-Level Referral Data ...[J],Frontiers in Research Metrics & Analytics,2017,2-11
- [85]Wang, Xianwen, Fang, Zhichao, Guo, Xinhui, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, WISE Lab, Fac Humanities & Social Sci, Dalian 116085, Peoples R China..Tracking the digital footprints to scholarly articles from social media[J],SCIENTOMETRICS,2016,109(2):1365-1376
- [86]Wang, Xianwen, Fang, Zhichao, Sun, Xiaoling, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Humanities & Social Sci, WISE Lab, Dalian 116085, Peoples R China..Usage patterns of scholarly articles on Web of Science: a study on Web of Science usage count[J],SCIENTOMETRICS,2016,109(2):917-926
- [87]Wang, Wei, Kong, Xiangjie, Zhang, Jun, Chen, Zhen, Xia, Feng, Xianwen, XJ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software, Dalian 116621, Peoples R China..Editorial behaviors in peer review[J],SPRINGERPLUS,2016,5(1):903
- [88]王贤文.The Poor Altmetric Performance of Publications Authored by Researchers in Mainland China[J],Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics,2016,1(1):1-8
- [89]Wang, Lili, Xianwen.Who sets up the bridge? Tracking scientific collaborations between China and the EU28[A],2016,178-186
- [90]Wang, Xianwen, Fang, Zhichao, Hu, Zhigang, Hongyin, Yang, Yang.Measuring Global Innovation Activities with Article Visiting Geographical Data[A],2016,1360-1369
- [91]Hu Zhigang, Huang Fu, Liang Guoqiang, Wang Xianwen, Tang Delong.The performance and trend of China's academic disciplines from 2006 to 2014[A],2016,1274-1281
- [92]方志超, 王贤文, 刘趁.全球专利密集型企业之间专利引用行为分析[J],科学学与科学技术管理,2015,36(12):3-12
- [93]王贤文, 方志超, 胡志刚.科学论文的科学计量分析:数据、方法与用途的整合框架[J],图书情报工作,2015,59(16):74-82
- [94]王贤文, 方志超, 王虹茵.连续、动态和复合的单篇论文评价体系构建研究[J],科学学与科学技术管理,2015,36(8):37-48
- [95]Wang, Xianwen, Fang, Zhichao, Yang, Yang.Continuous, Dynamic and Comprehensive Article-Level Evaluation of Scientific Literature[A],2015,448-459
- [96]Wang, Xianwen, Liu, Chen, Mao, Wenli, Fang, Zhichao, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Humanities & Social Sci, WISE Lab, Dalian 116085, Peoples R China..The open access advantage considering citation, article usage and social media attention (vol 1...[J],SCIENTOMETRICS,2015,103(3):1149-1149
- [97]Wang, Xianwen, Liu, Chen, Mao, Wenli, Fang, Zhichao, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, WISE Lab, Fac Humanities & Social Sci, Dalian 116085, Peoples R China..The open access advantage considering citation, article usage and social media attention[J],SCIENTOMETRICS,2015,103(2):555-564
- [98]陈悦, 陈超美, 刘则渊, 胡志刚, 王贤文.CiteSpace知识图谱的方法论功能[J],科学学研究,2015,33(2):242-253
- [99]Wang, Xianwen, Liu, Chen, Mao, Wenli, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Publ Adm & Law, WISE Lab, Dalian 116085, Peoples R China..Does a paper being featured on the cover of a journal guarantee more attention and greater impa...[J],SCIENTOMETRICS,2015,102(2):1815-1821
- [100]柴玥, 刘趁, 王贤文.我国高校科研合作网络的构建与特征分析——基于“211”高校的数据[J],图书情报工作,2015,59(2):82-88