Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2018-08-01
Included Journals:SCIE
Page Number:67-73
ISSN No.:0020-7403
Key Words:Symplectic superposition method; Analytic solution; Thin plate; Buckling; Free edge
Abstract:This paper deals with the representative challenging buckling problem of a fully free plate under biaxial compression by a distinctive symplectic superposition method, which yields the benchmark analytic solutions by converting the problem to be solved into the superposition of two elaborated subproblems that are solved by the symplectic elasticity approach. The solution is advanced in the symplectic space-based Hamiltonian system rather than in the classic Euclidean space-based Lagrangian system, which shapes the main advantage of the method that a direct rigorous derivation is qualified for obtaining the analytic solutions, without any assumptions or predetermination of the solution forms. Comprehensive new analytic results for both the buckling loads and mode shapes are presented and validated by the finite element method. The fast convergence and accuracy of the method make it applicable to analytic modeling of more plate problems.