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Precise on-machine extraction of the surface normal vector using an eddy current sensor array


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-11-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



ISSN No.:0957-0233

Key Words:normal vector; eddy current; on-machine; measurement; error compensation

Abstract:To satisfy the requirements of on-machine measurement of the surface normal during complex surface manufacturing, a highly robust normal vector extraction method using an Eddy current (EC) displacement sensor array is developed, the output of which is almost unaffected by surface brightness, machining coolant and environmental noise. A precise normal vector extraction model based on a triangular-distributed EC sensor array is first established. Calibration of the effects of object surface inclination and coupling interference on measurement results, and the relative position of EC sensors, is involved. A novel apparatus employing three EC sensors and a force transducer was designed, which can be easily integrated into the computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool spindle and/or robot terminal execution. Finally, to test the validity and practicability of the proposed method, typical experiments were conducted with specified testing pieces using the developed approach and system, such as an inclined plane and cylindrical and spherical surfaces.

Pre One:Influence of Coupling Interference on Arrayed Eddy Current Displacement Measurement

Next One:A surface normal on-machine measuring method using eddy-current (EC) sensor array