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Effect of cryogenic conditions on the milling performance of aramid fiber


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-03-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:429-439

ISSN No.:0268-3768

Key Words:Aramid fibers; Cryogenic cutting; Defects; Surface quality; Cutting force

Abstract:The aramid fiber composite materials were processed by CNC milling machine in dye cutting and liquid nitrogen cryogenic conditions. The milling qualities and forces were analyzed, and cutting mechanism was discussed. The results show that with the increase of spindle speed, the better surface quality is only obtained in restrained 5000 r/min for the dye cutting, but in cryogenic conditions, the speed may be bigger. And at the same speed, the cryogenic ones are all more excellent than the dye ones. The cutting forces are generally lower for cryogenic than the dry ones at the same speed. The measuring instrument and material performance parameters from reference errors are the main error reason between model prediction and experimental measurements. Moreover, with the decrease of temperature, from tensile to shear fracture, the change of chip breaking improves the milling quality. In cryogenic condition, cutting force decrease and temperature drop have played a positive role for the improvement of the material cutting defects.

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