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- [101]张腾飞, 王树刚.Rapid measurement of moisture contents in porous insulation materials based on transient temperat...[A],2016,1183:1-8
- [102]张腾飞, 王树刚.Measurement of moisture accumulation in an aircraft section under different operating conditions[A],2016,1184:1-8
- [103]Wei Y., Zhang T., Wang S..Inverse identification of multiple pollutant sources[A],2015,940-945
- [104]Li, Yanbo, Wang, Shugang, Jihong, Zhang, Tengfei.CFD Study of Ice Slurry Heat Transfer Characteristics In a Straight Horizontal Tube[A],2015,146:503-511
- [105]Long, Youwei, Wang, Shugang, Jihong, Zhang, Tengfei.Mathematical Model of Heat Transfer for a Finned Tube Cross-flow Heat Exchanger with Ice Slurry...[A],2015,146:512-521
- [106]Lei, Lei, Wang, Shugang, Zhang, Tengfei, TF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Optimal specification of target temperature points for inverse design of an indoor thermal envi...[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2015,92:518-527
- [107]沈润霖, 张腾飞, 王树刚.测量多孔材料含水/含冰量的热线法[J],建筑热能通风空调,2015,34(5):23-26
- [108]Liu, Wei, Zhang, Tengfei, Xue, Yu, Zhai, Zhiqiang, Wang, Jihong, Wei, Yun, Chen, Qingyan, QY (reprint author), Purdue Univ, Sch Mech Engn, W Lafayette, IN 47907 USA..State-of-the-art methods for inverse design of an enclosed environment[J],BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2015,91(,SI):91-100
- [109]Zhang, T., Zhou, H., Wang, S., T (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Inverse identification of the release location, temporal rates, and sensor alarming time of an ...[J],INDOOR AIR,2015,25(4):415-427
- [110]王继红, 李维仲, 王树刚, 张腾飞, Zhang, Teng-Fei.基于非均质性流动过程量化冰浆流动管道压降?[J],高校化学工程学报,2015,29(5):1065-1072
- [111]Jiang, Shuang, Wang, Shugang, Jin, Xu, Zhang, Tengfei, TF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A general model for two-stage vapor compression heat pump systems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID,2015,51:88-102
- [112]王树刚, 张腾飞, 吕燕捷, 王继红, Zhang, Teng-Fei.水平直管内冰浆流动压降分相叠加算法[J],高校化学工程学报,2015,29(1):43-48
- [113]张腾飞.A data sorting method for rapid measurement of moisture content in porous insulation materials[A],2015,1-8
- [114]张腾飞, 王树刚.Measurement of moisture accumulation in reduced-scale mockups of an aircraft section[A],2015,1010:1-8
- [115]张腾飞, 王树刚.Inverse design of cabin air-supply direction and temperature by proper orthogonal decomposition[A],2015,775:1-8
- [116]张腾飞, 王树刚.Resuspension of deposited particles induced by jets at different surface dust loads[A],2015,240:1-4
- [117]张腾飞, 王树刚.A simplified model for temperature prediction in a ventilated wall module[A],2015,32:1-4
- [118]王树刚, 王继红, 张腾飞.A Non-dimensional Mathematical Model of Counter-flow Heat Source[A],2015,1-8
- [119]王树刚, 王继红, 张腾飞.CFD study of ice slurry heat transfer characteristics in a straight horizontal tube[A],2015,650-657
- [120]王树刚, 王继红, 张腾飞.Mathematical model of heat transfer for a finned tube cross-flow heat exchanger with ice slurry a...[A],2015,658-665