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Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2019-04-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:753-760
ISSN No.:0930-7516
Key Words:Acid gas removal; Environmental assessment; Life cycle inventory; Process modeling; Shale gas sweetening
Abstract:An appraisal on economic and environmental performance of shale gas processing is significant for energy utilization. A framework on economic evaluation and environmental assessment of the shale gas sweetening process is proposed. The sweetening process is simulated by Aspen Plus, coupled with Claus sulfur recovery by energy integration. The economic evaluation is conducted by purchased cost curves. In environmental assessment, a hybrid life cycle inventory model is established to investigate the emissions from upstream manufacture and process operation. The results demonstrate that exhaust gas is the dominant source in carbon emission while utility consumption produces more SO2 and NOx. The study provides guidance in energy management and pollution control for shale gas plants.